Just Like Freddy vs Jason, this movie should of being made 10 years ago, not when almost noone cares about the franchise.
This Trailer was really unimpressive, but lets hope that the movie turns out good.
The Original Dawn of the dead came out in March on dvd, and now they are releasing the superduper version of the Original again in September, 6 months later!!!
And that's not counting the Old DVD version that came out in 97 or 98 I think.
Ladic... Some people see only what they want to see.
Some people should read the whole darn thing, before jumping into conclusions, because they end up looking funny.
edit: to not hurt anyones feelings.
Didn't like this movie, they tried to compensate an awful plot with lots of SFX.
Also, if you saw Pitch Black, this is so not the same, but they both still suck.
Could someone that saw this movie tell me if the Trailer of "The Aviator" came with this movie?
That might be the only reason for to see this, didn't really like all that much the first one, haven't even seen the second one.