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Everything posted by Ladic

  1. Will we see Scott leading the Searching or you think completely new characters?
  2. They offered Ben Affleck a cameo in Elektra, but he didn't want to do DD anymore. So I doubt they'll use someone else.
  3. I think they just might stop it with #3, because Raimi, Maguire and Dunst ain't coming back.
  4. I second that.
  5. will they also be available at gamestop or only online?
  6. that must be the one, the name is familiar. thanks
  7. I looks like the first one, but I remember it having a little better graphics, unless I don't remember this game very well, which is very likely since I haven't played it in like 15 years.
  8. K, I've wanting to find the name of this arcade game I used to play ALOT as a kids in the mid 80's (in fact, i used to play 2 games alot, this one and Trojan), but anyways, here is what I remember about it: It looked like a Rayden or 1942 type game, where you would control this advance plane, and you would see it from above, but the difference was that as you advance you would pick new pieces for your ship and until it would eventually tranform into a full robot with the last piece. It was very cool, but I don't think it ever was released in the US for Nintendo. Anyone knows which game I'm talking about? and was it ever released for a console?
  9. my fav card was Royal Assasin.
  10. I agree, Venom should be the main bad guy, and have harry as a secondary villian that tries to redeem himself almost at the end but venom kills him and spidey gets pissed and kills venom. I would like a story like that.
  11. If you wanna play on the latest tournaments then you need mostly the newer expansions, so I wouldn't recommend the older ones, because not only are they expensive, but the cards that you CAN use, they already have them re-printed in the newer expansions.
  12. I think the simpler they keep it, the better, look at what happened to batman, they started putting villians left and right, and robin and batgirl, and it became a mess.
  13. Also about getting more rares, back in the day the only way to get lands was by buying Starter Decks, so you had better chance of getting rares by buying Booster Packs, but today, lands come on both Starter Decks and Boosters packs, so I would say, you have about same chance buying either one.
  14. Get him one of those theme decks, it comes with a ready to play deck. I believe every expansion has theme decks, go to these page and go to the buttom and check them out, those are for 8th Edition. http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=magic/expansion/8e
  15. The Evil Dead Reference was great.
  16. This is how I would treat my wife.
  17. I used to be happy with my MPC's, until I bought the armor for them, and when trying to apply the armor to my miriya her arm broke off, and it pissed me off, because I am very careful with my toys, I don't play with them ever and just one transformation to put her armor, and the arm goes.
  18. I think Timothy Dalton would of been the Perfect Tony Stark if he was 10-15 years Younger.
  19. But less than 2 years before the SE, he released the Original Trilogies on VHS, and it was supposed to be "the last time".
  20. Because I think he said that these SE are the way SW was always supposed to be, or something like that. Personally, I Think he just wants to milk the SE enough and maybe like 10 years from now, he will release the the Original version on DVD, so he can milk SW some more.
  21. Amazon will sell it for $41.99 with free shipping. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detai...&s=dvd&n=507846
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