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Everything posted by Ladic

  1. Just saw, it's pretty freaking cool, it's like a trailer, and I don't think Robin has ever been this awesome, lol.
  2. I have: XP2400+ 1gig pc2700 ram (Dual Channel) Nforce 2 Mobo (Asus) ATI Radeon 9600XT 128mb vid card.
  3. This Docu looked like marketing scheme from a mile away.
  4. I don't have the book.
  5. Question about the Ending: ***Spoilers******* In the end when the robot (forget his name) is standing at the top of the hill like in his dreames, does it mean that there will be a second revolution and he would free them? I forgot what the dream was exactly about, could someone shed some light on this? *****End Spoilers*******
  6. But is it really the Guys Fault? or the idiots that buy his CD?
  7. Fan Poster
  8. My FF cast would of been: Reed Ricards: George Clooney Sue Storm: Naomi Watts Johnny Storm: Ryan Gosling Ben Grim: Ioan Gruffudd
  9. I liked the Hulk.
  10. How long did it take to release all the varitechs?
  11. so these toys are available online only?
  12. Someone please tell me when these are coming, how much they usually sell for, and what local stores usually carry them? thanks.
  13. Bad news then, ADV couldn't get the rights to the original Spanish dub, so were forced to make a brand new Spanish track, so you won't be getting the original Spanish track you pine for. Cyc yeah, i hate the spanish voices they used for the Remastered. When I first saw Robotech I think it was a dubb from Venezuela that did like all the dubbing for the anime of the 70's and 80's so everyone in all the shows sounded the same, lol, but it was cool. This time they used a mexican dubb and it sucks.
  14. when are they coming out? and what stores carry this toys? Toys r us? kbee toys?
  15. Are there enough people here interested in playing in a Yahoo Fantasy Football League? Maybe we can make a Macrossworld Fantasy league, the football season starts in a month I think.
  16. Spoken like a true Cynic... wait, why am I getting this bizzare Deja-vu sensation? I'm realistic. Cynics like to say that, but they're about as far from realistic as your average idealist, just in the opposite direction. Saying that all business are just as bad as the next, that they're all out to screw everyone else over, is just like assuming every other human being, even your own boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife/whatever is out to stab you in the back the moment you're not paying attention. trust no one.
  17. As far as I know, the game is based on the New Generation Part of Robotech, while the new series is After the New Generation.
  18. Spoken like a true Cynic... wait, why am I getting this bizzare Deja-vu sensation? I'm realistic.
  19. HG is a business, anyone wanting to make money with their business, would do the exact same thing.
  20. Who is Man Faye?
  21. Anyone think that the fugly blond neighber might play a bigger role in the next one?
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