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Everything posted by Ladic

  1. Is there a list to all the fixes or changes for the DVD? Anyone got a link?
  2. I have faith in this movie, Good Director, Great casting, but so far from what I've seen in pictures, the Batsuit and the Batmobile look like crap. But the movie will probably rock!
  3. Oh man, I would of beaten the s**t out of that kid, LOL.
  4. I'd dance.... can I join?
  5. I'm more afraid of this:
  6. I thought it was the same thing as the record industry in that games, like albums, can go "Gold" and "Platinum"... meaning they hit a certain very high level of sales. Well then, that title is very deceiving then. Certain sites (mentioned in my other post) never seem to claim "Gold" status on games that suck only on games that everyone wants that seem to sell tons before they are even ready to ship. that is because noone cares about games that suck, as oposed games with huge hype like Doom3, HL2, etc.
  7. I think it was Attack of the Clones that SPielberg wanted to do.
  8. I think it was the other way around wasn't it? Didn't GL ask him, but SS didn't wanna take his baby. Nope, Spielberg asked him, but Lucas said he wanted to do all 3 because they were his last.
  9. Would of been Really interesting to see SPielberg direct one of the PT. Too Bad, mr Lucas didn't let him.
  10. I agree completely. It's amazing how angry and defensive others get over the opinion of several people that the prequels were downright terrible. I wish my standards were as low as theirs, but alas, they are not. True, It makes me really wonder, who the real "Angry Fanboy Geeks" are.
  11. It's better than the last one, I'll say that much.
  12. yup, instead of a mystical all pervasive force indwelling all life in the universe the Force is actually.... viral infection.
  13. Sorry someone of us don't like the new SW movies, I wish I could be as cool as you.
  14. I agree, Midichlorians is one of the worst things (maybe worst, next with jar Jar), to come out of the PT.
  15. Someone remindi, in case I forgot, when I played Wolfstain 3D, 10 or so years ago, to movie foward you couldn't do it with the arrows in the keyboard, but rather you had to drag the mouse from top to bottom and arrows only work to turn. Am I remember correctly? this was the first time I play a FPS and was really hard. But now, I really prefer Mouse over Gamepad for FPS.
  16. It was good, but after watching the Grayson film, this one just didn't look as good.
  17. One of my local comic book shops said they were gonna have them on september for $59.99.
  18. This one will probably be better than the last 2, but that ain't saying much.
  19. is this it? I found it on ebay: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...5911163950&rd=1
  20. I don't read batman either, but i think this story is made up, he just borrows bits and pieces from different stories.
  22. The Trailer IS the movie.
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