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Everything posted by Ladic

  1. It's pretty decent FPS, it would of been cool to have the option to use Alphas and betas for some missions, but maybe they'll leave that for a sequel.
  2. I got the first RT game on CC or the release day for $24.99.
  3. As long as they don't beat the Aliens with a Computer Virus or Water, I'm game!
  4. But I thought only Hardcore Fans didn't like the movie?
  5. that was Barry Allen, i think. Wally West is extremely fast and i don't think Supes could beat him in a race. yup, supes just moves at several times mach, well under the speed o light. and doesn't matter how witty bats is.. flash can move faster than batman can think. flash would be able to run around the world faster than batman could even think about something witty! Sun Tzu: Victory goes to those who win first, then go to battle. Defeat comes to those who go to battle hoping for victory. Translation - Bats would have it set up to where Flash runs his showy butt into a brick wall of pain. ...just my intro into the retarded relm of Fictional Vs's. that is such a standard answer... well, batman always wins, therefore he wins... flash at light speed would obliterate anything in his way, think about it... infinite mass traveling at the speed of light, even superman would be blown to atoms if he got hit by that. anything bats does would seem to be occuring in slow motion to flash.. think about the stories during WWI when pilots would reach out and grab bullets because they were traveling at the same rate of speed. even if batman fired a laser at flash, flash and the laser would be traveling at the same speed and flash could easily dodge it... and if bats did put up a literal wall of pain, flash can vibrate the molecules in his body so that he phases through things... so.. batman can't touch flash, batman can't catch flash, batman can't even hurt flash. batman loses... batman, cool as he is... he's like wolverine... he's popular so he keeps winning fights he has no business winning... but look at what he can do realistically (as much as you can for a comic ) and he's just completely outclassed. Check out Identity Crisis #3 and check out how Deathestroke took flash out.
  6. Deathstroke, would slap them all good.
  7. Just bend the butt plugs and they'll fit right in! I tried, but they still wouldn't fit.
  8. Does the pilot have any problems fitting in the cockpit? I had problems on half of my MPC's where the pilots wouldn't fit/sit right.
  9. Where I live tickets are $6 in the afternoon and $8 at night.
  10. News says it just reached Category 4.
  11. After seeing this movie, a good way o describe it is: Resident Evil + Aliens 4 + Predator 2 = AvP
  12. I just saw it, give it a 6/10. It had it's moments, but it was a really avarage movie, no better than aliens 4. The PG rating hurt it ALOT.
  13. He says the battery life only lasts for an hour and a half.
  14. I go check Toys R Us every now and then, and saddly their toy collection sucks and the place is always empty. Back in the 80's I just remember rows and rows of Cool Ji Goes and Transformers TOys and Nintendo games.
  15. http://palmpsone.com/
  16. I like the above 3k better.
  17. http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/u...smayselltoyunit
  18. http://www.imdb.com/news/sb/#1
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