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Everything posted by Ladic

  1. F*CK YEAH! it's coming to Ft Lauderdale!
  2. 2nd pic
  3. Whoa! Is that really Laura Prepon? I've never seen her as a blonde. Where's the pic? I don't even see a red X... I can't see her as the White Queen.... She too prudish, though she's hot. lemme upload them
  4. What about the chick from that 70's show for White QUeen?
  5. what you might think is a "great" movie, for someone else it can be crap and viceversa, it's all a matter of opinions.
  6. Both versions of the movie will be available in the DVD, they've already confirm this.
  7. I loved it, saw it last night.
  8. Saw this week,I'd It's probably better than the crappy sequels, but it's not a scary movie like the original, it mostly uses loud sounds to make you jump every now and then.
  9. Tie between Transformers and Gi Joe.
  10. impressive pics.
  11. hey, do you like to bump your own threads every time someone makes a similar one?
  12. could someone post a link to a store locator for Fry's? never been there, and I really want to see this movie.
  13. First Matrix was good.
  14. http://zerobassx.members.easyspace.com/deceptiquiz/quiz.html
  15. this pic is really really really old.
  16. http://www.imdb.com/news/wenn/#1
  17. many good shows.
  18. This is a Good SIte, with pics, sound clips and movie clips, from alot of 70's and 80's Cartoons, but it is in Spanish. http://monitos.polo-sur.cl/
  19. he was great in Magnolia.
  20. I've never bought that argument. How do stage actors manage, then? Sometime it's literally just the actor by himself on an empty stage. Yet they somehow manage to act. Besides, nobody complained about the abundance of greenscreen in the last 1/3 or Return of the King. Oh wait, it's not cool to nitpick LOTR. Thank you! Also the fact that WETA contacted ILM for tips on their CG. I also want to know what films Natalie Portman has supposedly been a great actress in. Aside from Leon... which I don't think is really a good example anyway. She was good in her small part on Cold Mountain.
  21. Cruise was also great in Borth on the 4th of July. The guy is a great actor.
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