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Everything posted by Ladic

  1. she already did in The Sleeping Dictionary.
  2. Star Wars: EMpire of Dreams is on RIght now on A&E Just in case anyone is interested, they are gonna have this Docu on the DVD's also.
  3. I liked it until the end, i tought it was gay.
  4. Yep, It will come with the dvd: http://www.imdb.com/news/sb/#1
  5. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!
  6. From what I can tell, its like they are special editions of the special editions. lol no, I meant the HK boots the put a link to up there.
  7. Hey are those DVD's the SPecial Editions, or the Original versions?
  8. I think it was because Lisa smelled her perfume on the scarf.
  9. Fortunately my area wasn't hit too hard (Pompano Beach), my building never lost electricity/water/cable/internet, but I know some building close to here did lose all that stuff. All in all it wasn't to bad here, but I hear it was pretty bad one hour north on palm beach.
  10. Pics from like an hour ago, the water from the ocean should reach my building tonight.
  11. The winds have picked up, like around 40-50mph, and constantly raining, but I still have electricity and watter and internet and cable, so not too bad. I hear tonight is gonna be crazy though.
  12. http://www.reuters.co.uk/newsArticle.jhtml...76&section=news
  13. After the little storm it got clear, I took this pics like an hour ago before it got dark. The hurricane now is supposed to be levl 2 (it started as levl 4), and maybe it won't hit all that hard, or maybe it will get it's strenght back. who knows.
  14. Last pictures I took a few minutes ago before I had to close the Hurricane Shutters:
  15. Some pics I took today: This 2 pics are the view from my apartment, right now it looks like a Romero Zombie movie, the city this side of the channel is empty and very very quiet. This next 2 pics are the view from my parents apartment, they got ocean view.
  16. Well we still not quite sure what we will do, but it looks like tomorrow morning we will be heading over to my uncles.
  17. We already got the Evacuation order where I Live (Pompano Beach, right on top of Ft Lauderdale), and I live right on the beach, but we are still debating wether to stay or go to my uncles. For some reason, I feel less safe at my uncles cause most houses here are build out of freaking cardboards and the Hurricane is supposed to hit all over, and at least my building is made out of concrete and steel. We are still debeating the issue, but we won't have any electricity or water tomorrow and Saturday when the Hurricane arrives, maybe even longer. Anyone else in the same spot having to evacuate? This is were I live:
  18. Dude, that link is awesome, my spanish is a little rusty but that is a really cool resource! I used to watch most of those cartoons in spanish when I was a kid in CA anyhow Tranzor Z and speed racer every morning, man that used to piss my dad off, hahah I watched almost all of them as a kid.
  19. the first time was funny, the second wasn't
  20. http://monitos.polo-sur.cl/
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