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Everything posted by Ladic

  1. FYE has a good deal going for the DVD's: http://www.fye.com/contentPages/base.jhtml...&Section=movies
  2. I think this movie will be awesome, but from what limited pics I've seen so far, i don't like the suit or the batmobile. But Nolan is a great director and has a great cast.
  3. when will it hit coast and where will it hit in the coast?
  4. but wouldn't the color of the Lightsaber of the little kids yoda is training in EP2 be the same then?
  5. Question, are the maps as big as BF1942?
  6. Not only that, I've heard that having a chip in can screw with your ability to go online. yes it does, I learned the hard way after I purchased an Adaptor and Residen Evil Outbreak, saddly I could only return the adapter for full refund, but since my brother had opened REoutbreak, I had to sell it back for half the price, since that game is no fun single player.
  7. it reminds me of old sci fi movies, cheesy, but fun. That's all there is to it.
  8. I don't know what some people do with their ps2... I have mine since launch in vertical position and I NEVER had a single problem with it. Too bad the new one has no hd support... my HDLoader is indeed loaded I agree, only time I had a console break was when my cousin was trying to get a dirty game on SNES to play and kept turning the thing on and off until it no longer turned on. For petes sake, my atari 2600 still works, you just have to be gentle.
  9. I wouldn't mind the changes, as long as he would release 2 versions.
  10. I dunno who got the Indiana Jones box set, but mine the cover was like a piece of paper poorly glued to the outer box and just as I bought it, half of it was already sticking off.
  11. I love soundway, but I just don't like that version
  12. I got xbox live back in april, but I've probably only played like 5 times total.
  13. Question, is the X-Box Demo that comes with the DVD's, online capable, or only single player?
  14. I had that Vilkyre pencil holder and sharpener, but the red one.
  15. that's a sweet freaking deal, it sucks that there are not Fry's in florida.
  16. we should get a Macrossworld game going.
  17. I have X-Box, but I rather play this game on PC, I like FPS on PC better. But I hope they release the demo for PC soon.
  18. Anyone knows if the PC Demo will be available to download for Free from the net?
  19. lol, so which is it? because BF1942 and Socom are 2 very different games.
  20. I was hoping it would be more like BF1942, I never liked Socom.
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