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Everything posted by Ladic

  1. Contra - NES Jackal - NES
  2. Star Wars is nothing without the Empire. It's like watching a movie about ww2 in europe without the nazis.
  3. EP3 banner?
  4. I wonder if he will be fighting other Jedi, as Vader in the suit.
  5. I think so.. George got a huge amount of crap for these last 3, I think the fanboys ruined the experience for him. I do not think he will look back on this Star Wars prequel experience favorably. Lucas should let other people direct episodes VII, VIII & IX. An episode each by Ridley Scott, Peter Jackson & Steven Spielberg could be interesting. Just whatever happens, under no circumstances let Paul Anderson, John Woo, Uwe Boll or Ang Lee direct them. Graham any director other than GL would do. Funny thing is that the best SW movie to date is the only one GL didn't direct. Lucas didn't direct 2 of them, not 1.
  6. Let Martin Scorcese direct one.
  7. I think the trailer will be out with the Incredibles in November.
  8. These trailers always look good.
  9. Well the movie is basically a big jab against the current administration.
  10. 1952-2004 http://www.news.com.au/common/story_page/0...5E13780,00.html
  11. Just came back from the Sneak Preview, and the movie was hilarious. But the Puppet sex scene was there, and it was pretty graphic.
  12. ALOT of theaters are having a Sneak Preview Tonight, mine is at 7:30pm, I'm so there.
  13. i didn't like her.
  14. Did i say ALL are rehash? no I said most.
  15. By that logic you must not have picked up a videogame console since the first Playstation. actually I buy ALL consoles, just not handheld. I don't even play my consoles that much. But why would I want to buy a handheld to play Mario, when I can play in my GC? why buy a handheld to play Metroid, when I can play in my GC? That's the one gripe I have with nintendo, the vast majority of their best games, are the same games from their previous consoles just supped up. Still, I'll buy the console versions, because they are a bit better than the previous, but getting the handheld one is a step back, and pointless for me.
  16. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?...&type=printable
  17. I'll pass, it's more of the same games.
  18. One of the reasons I like star wars was because it was no Star Trek and was much much better. But now?
  19. this is gonna be awesome.
  20. But with Xbox Live, you're not really paying to play the game. You're paying for a service, and I think (now that games are finally coming out that I really want to play online) you get your money's worth. I mean, if it was some kind of monthly gig, I could see some complaining, but it's just a once a year thing. I buy two or three games a month, I think once a year I can buy one fewer game and renew my Live subscription. With MMORPGS, you also pay for the service, you have to realize that those games constantly have updates, and the need constant in game tech support for any problems and stuff. While with most other regular online games, they just release a couple of patches that's it.
  21. In the books, he escapes. Also, I was just watching ANH and noticed that when Darth and Kenobi were fighting, this version didn't have Kenobi saying 'you can't win Darth. If you strike me down now, I will become more powerful than you can ever imagine'. It's been a few years since I've seen the originals. Was this taken out with the original special editions? oh man, that sucks.
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