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Everything posted by Ladic

  1. Vader to the EXTREME!
  2. what scene was the general in?
  3. Does anyone know what role did the Blonde SWAT guy from the Original Play in the Remake? I know the Black guy from the original plays the Priest on TV, but couldn't find the other guy.
  4. There are new Legioss' coming out in Japan? Really? Toynami made, same MPC Robotech Alpha, repackaged as Mospeada Legioss figures for Japan distribution. -Kevin so, there are really 30.000 of each Alpaha instead of 15.000?
  5. Mine came with the disc, I was just asking because on Circuit City they gave u a Comic with the DVD, and I wasn't sure if this extra disc came with all of the dvd's already. I made a good choice apparently, but I yet to watch it.
  6. According to the Script, DrDoom doesn't have a country, instead he has a Doom Industries or something like that, ala Norman Osborn.
  7. did everyone elses copy come with the bonus dics?
  8. how much are the movies gonna cost?
  9. Started waching the extras last night, and I liked Andy's Story.
  10. I had both the Apple IIC version and the Sega Genesis Version, which was a pretty good port.
  11. besides, most people bitching about it, Hate robotech and aren't even going to watch the new series, so who cares what they think.
  12. they did have that in the remake.
  13. I don't think there will ever be an "officail" remake of X-COM. Oh how I hope I am wrong. The first two X-COM's were really good, but then came the third one, "X-COM Apocalypse." Then came the third person shoot game, i forget what it was called, but oh god was it bad. There are a few open source projects that are trying to "remake" X-COM without getting introuble with the software companies. Here is one of them. Just found it, so I don't know that much about it. http://www.projectxenocide.com/ Is Pirates only for X-Box, or will there be a PC version as well? Pirates is coming out next month for PC only, but next year (I think in the first quarter) it's coming out for X-Box also.
  14. oh yea, they will also release this game for X-Box, but that will be next year.
  15. It's an adventure game, but very open ended, Imagine GTA but back in the 80's. I really dunno how else to describe it, because I've never played another game like it. But the cool thing is that the collectors Edition, will come with a copy of the Original game. I hope one day the do the same with X-Com, a nice remake, with online capabilities, and a copy of the original.
  16. The Date is almost Upon Us! http://www.ebgames.com/ebx/product/244415.asp
  17. I got the dvd today.
  18. Because it's a great movie. you put X-Men and X-Men 2 on the list, yet you consider ROcketeer a good movie? LOL.
  19. noone has mentioned rocketeer??/
  20. why she started skippin?
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