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Everything posted by Ladic

  1. how was anakin supposed to bring balance to the force, since supposedly all the sith had been killed and the Jedi already dominated everything?
  2. I've never read the books, but can someone tell me why Sauron is there? I tought he never was able to get Humanoid form?
  3. Why does Elijah Woods sounds british in the interview?
  4. Didn't think thew would accept returns, but I'll give it a try.
  5. I love Robin Williams.
  6. http://www.moviehole.net/news/4473.html
  7. I'm gonna wait until friday to see it on the big screen with the Incredibles.
  8. ah well crap, I'm gonna try to sell this one for cheap and get a new one.
  9. This is what I'm talking about:
  10. If anyone else gets a Robocop, let me know if half the left arm (At the elbow joint), came in 2 parts???
  11. they ahave them at their store, i saw them yesterday.
  12. yeah, I went to gamestop and got Robocop, but for some reason Half his left arm keeps fallin off, that pissed me, so I can't almost pose that arm. I went to Suncoast too, but they didn't have the new SW Unleashed, dunno if they have even been released yet.
  13. thanks, I'll check those.
  14. Yeah, I just voted here in Florida, and it was Touchscreen as well.
  15. Screw both candidates, I'm voting for: http://www.somethingawful.com/flash/shmorky/gijoe.swf
  16. jUST Played CS: Source, very cool, nice looking graphics.
  17. cool, if I preload now, is that like less downloading later?
  18. I don't think you get the game by mail, you get credit towards the Steam Half-Life 2 Bronze package which you download as Steam said for those with the ATi package. Or that credit goes towards and is deducted from the amount of the Silver or Gold packages if you want to upgrade. And yes every HL2 comes with CS:Source. do you know, how I will know if I get the Credit? I have steame, because when i registered to get the copy of HL2, it gave me a key, so I downloaded HL and Counterstrike.
  19. hmm, I remember when I played, that you had to summon your creatures first and then attack, and you couldn't summon any creatures after attacking.
  20. There was only 1 main in the old days right?
  21. No no, u guys understood me wrong, I meant, you could bring as many creatures as you had mana for into play, ONCE per turn, like one Summon Phase, but now, you can bring creatures into playing TWICE each turn, NOT 2 creatures per turn.
  22. Back, when Magic first came out, you could only put creatures into play ONCE per turn during you Turn, but now, you can do it TWICE?? Is this true? I stopped playing Magic after mirage.
  23. I'm supposed (Hoefully) to get the game by mail because I bought a ATI Card back in february, so will they game also come with CS?
  24. Cool, is it gonna be a freedownload, or they gonna sell it?
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