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Everything posted by Ladic

  1. does this plays mp3???
  2. First Half-Life 3 pic leaked!!!!
  3. took me 4:25 minutes to download.
  4. yep, i got the rook, not the new one. When Gamestop sells de lancer for $39.99 I'll be there.
  5. http://www.gamespot.com/news/2005/01/24/news_6116985.html
  6. Just got my rook #4050
  7. PP has always been overly nerdy, specially in his beggining years which the movies focus on. I think Maguire was a Dead ON casting.
  8. My order from gamestop just shipped, and will be arriving the 24th, I hope it's not broken.
  9. I have not seen it yet. http://www.apple.com/trailers/fox/fantastic_four/
  10. Link Contains ***Spoilers*** Revenge of the Sith Novelization Summary http://www.theforce.net/topstory/story/Rev...mmary_88880.asp
  11. thanks, I just ordered one Online, but it says they are backordered, hopefully they get more soon.
  12. from reading the forums, it seems like those people take it very seriously.
  13. wow, just wowo http://zombiesquad.theedge.net/phpbb2/view...65adf8289777196
  14. haha, I just started playing this game, and I can't even climb the dam tree. Yeah, I suck at video games.
  15. Which zombie movie has zombies ripping people in half (Exclude any less-than B-grade horror films from Europe and New Zealand, please ) Romero's Movies?
  16. But if people were all decked out in armor, how are they gonna run? And seeing from the movies, the ease with how zombies can rip people in half, I would see no problems of them ripping your armor or body suit in half also.
  17. Maybe the reason the Stormtroopers missed alot was because it would of sucked for the movie to be over in the first half hour when all the main charters were killed. Jeez, it's a MOVIE people.
  18. I played it last night and it was pretty cool, I supppose the more people play, the better it gets.
  19. another
  20. some pics I've found
  21. Cool, I'm a big zombie fan, but had never heard of this game before, until my brother saw it on a store in England. He bought and brought it to play now during the holidays, so tonight I might try it out.
  22. Has anyone ever played this board games??? http://twilightcreationsinc.safeshopper.com/3/cat3.htm?298
  23. I've seen steel battalion used without the joystick for $50, but dunno if it works also with the regular controller only.
  24. I've heard steel battalion is good.
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