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Everything posted by Ladic

  1. I was a huge fan of Krull, when I was a kid.
  2. the demo was ok, but it got a bad review on PC Gamer.
  3. I'm in Florida, next to Ft Laudaerdale.
  4. http://www.gameseek.co.uk/productdetail/PSPfhyaqce6he5x223r/
  5. Hey, anyone knows where I can get my xbox fix and how much does it cost? My xbox is now reading discs on and off and its annoying. I don't use it that much, but I did buy it used from gamestop about a year ago, and I mostly use it to watch dvds.
  6. Yeah, when I remember this toy it was around mid 80's, but it wasnt even originally mine, it was my brothers, so it might even be older.
  7. I remember having this as a Kid and loving it, it used batteries and I think it came with 2 pilots. I just ran across this picture, which is exactly what I had, but I think it was a differente color.
  8. Don't worry, its not the trailer. JUst a trailer for the trailer. http://www.starwars.com/episode-iii/releas.../theocspot.html wow, that was short.
  9. I'd buy it if they sell it for $50.
  10. Hella worth it. Granted, I haven't tried it online yet. And the new version of SFII is still more or less a Super Nintendo game... but SFIII is easily one of the best 2D fighting games I've played. I think the only one I might like better is Street Fighter Alpha 3, and that's only because of the enormous number of characters and kick-ass world tour mode. Besides, it's only $30. Man I have been playing the crap outta this. I bought the import(wcode and region free) and played it back in November but there werent alot of players. Now with the US release I can play everyday! Definaley one of the best LIVE titles yet. bought it, got the crap beat out of me online. Question, how do u watch the movie? Go to Street Fighter II, then go to the Gallery Mode. It's in there. thanks
  11. Hella worth it. Granted, I haven't tried it online yet. And the new version of SFII is still more or less a Super Nintendo game... but SFIII is easily one of the best 2D fighting games I've played. I think the only one I might like better is Street Fighter Alpha 3, and that's only because of the enormous number of characters and kick-ass world tour mode. Besides, it's only $30. Man I have been playing the crap outta this. I bought the import(wcode and region free) and played it back in November but there werent alot of players. Now with the US release I can play everyday! Definaley one of the best LIVE titles yet. bought it, got the crap beat out of me online. Question, how do u watch the movie?
  12. You made it. Barely. Congratulations! You scored 55! Whether it was the fact that you could run faster, or were just plain lucky, you made it out alive. Even you aren't sure why. But you're sure as hell not going back, or risking your ass for anyone else from now on.
  13. Does anyone remember if you fought Big Boss at the end of he American Metal Gear, after you destroyed the supercomputer? Or did you just have to leave before the timer ran out?
  14. I was thinking of picking up this game to play Online, is it worth it?
  15. they are selling it for $37.99 at compusa.
  16. interesting.
  17. so I gave in, and went down there today and bought. It's number #2000, pretty nifty to have a rounded number.
  18. I already put in an order for a new power cable, I bought my X-Box used at gamestop last year, and in the bottom says made in 2002.
  19. http://money.cnn.com/2005/02/17/technology...dex.htm?cnn=yes
  20. http://www.darkhorizons.com/news05/050221d.php
  21. they look like spawns of satan.
  22. i love that at-at, how much is that thing worth??
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