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Everything posted by Ladic

  1. I'd be shocked if they couldn't. ... But this IS Sony. Anyways, this is my favorite artist's rendition of the PS3...
  2. Whoever the villain is, I hope it aint Mysterio or VUlture, those 2 are some of the crappiest villains in comics ever.
  3. I agree, some of the stuff look interesting. The Idea of wireless controllers is good, but only if they come with some kind of recharging base.
  4. That could well apply to the Jedi as a whole... but I don't think so with the Jedi Council. What Mace admits to Yoda in AOTC is that the Jedi are losing their ability with the Force and wants to tell the Senate before Yoda disagrees. Dooku also tells Obi-Wan that Darth Sidious has "clouded their vision." Ultimately, it could depend just how long Palpatine was working his bad mojo in the Senate before the Naboo crisis. I would say a little from column A and a little from column B. Thanks to the revised Sith doctrine, the Sith remained only 2 active at any one time. 2 people in an entire galaxy would go by un-noticed in the sea of other races and the Jedi wouldn't notice their activities. When the Sith first get mentioned in Episode I, the first gut reaction is the Sith are not around and if they were, the Jedi would have done something. You could say the Jedi were drowning in their own arrogance. Then we have Palps. To make sure his rise to power goes quietly, he starts off in the Senate as a senator of a fairly insignificant planet. When he starts at the Senate, he starts to work his mojo. Most people would see him as ambitious and making his way up the ladder. And then he took the Senate's growing corruption and politics and made it work for him. All the pieces fell into place, Palps just took advantage of the situation. As for teh Jedi, all he would have to do is "cloud the vision" of the council and the rest would follow. I've heard the 2 rule before, but were do they say this?
  5. Lucas already said, that both C3PO and R2D2, both get their memories erased at the end of ep3.
  6. was Mgrexx banned from robotech.com?
  7. Huh? They can clone an entire army, thousands of soldiers, and travel across the galaxy at faster than light speed, and certain members of the galaxy can channel the mysterious force. Now one would suspect they could clone a limb or two. and we have the technology to clone in this day and age. But still, we cannot clone u a limb and attach it to a person.
  8. I dunno if he uses it while he is still human, but on one of those pages scans postes, it says, that he can't use force lighting once he has the suit, because both his arms are cybrog.
  9. maybe he partially fell or something, I doubt he sumerged under lava.
  10. This comic comes out today: Title Star Wars General Grievous 1 Publisher Dark Horse Price $2.99 Comment CHUCK DIXON (W), RICK LEONARDI (P), and MARK PENNINGTON (I) On sale March 16, FC, 32pg, $2.99 On a rescue mission to Vandos, Padawan Flynn Kybo and his master T’chooka D’oon come face to face with one of the leaders of the Separatist army, General Grievous. After Grievous kills his master, Kybo goes to the Jedi Council with a plan to take out the General before more lives are lost. But when the council rebukes his plan, Flynn Kybo decides to take matters in his own hands. Seeking out others who feel the same as himself, Flynn Kybo sets out to stop the killing machine known as General Grievous before more Jedi lives are lost. Meanwhile, Grievous has hijacked a transport ship and its precious cargo may give him an advantage over the Jedi that they would never expect... • A four-issue must read series featuring one of the Episode III villians!
  11. Yes, I do believe Palp was even more powerful than Yoda, and maybe even beats him in the movie. Also, I think with Anakin, they meant he had the potential to become the most poewrful Jedi, but he was still developing it, at the time of the 3rd movie, I doubt he was more powerful than either Yoda o Windu, even Ob1 beats him at the end. my 2 cents.
  12. Superposables bootlegs? http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...ssPageName=WD1V
  13. http://www.darkhorizons.com/news05/050311a.php
  14. Highqualitytrailerrightthere.
  15. http://www.kino-govno.com/trailers/starwar...trailer_640.mov
  16. They just showed it, it was awesome.
  17. awesome, kinda what I figured.
  18. Will this trailer also be in theaters? and with what movie?
  19. http://www.darkhorizons.com/news05/050310c.php
  20. is the image of Luke and Darth Vader in the Return of the Jedi poster, actually from ESB?
  21. there is an HDTV on my brothers room, but I am too lazy to watch movies there.
  22. I have a 32 Inch, 13 year old, Sony Trinitron TV in me room.
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