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Everything posted by Ladic

  1. does anyone know a website that has a list of every robotech masterpiece ever released?
  2. http://www.aintitcool.com/node/45379
  3. what do you guys think of the VW Tiguan? is it a good suv?
  4. this thing was prohibitive, I remember when i bought my NES for $100 in the late 80's this thing was going for $600 the system and $200 each game.
  5. http://www.darkhorizons.com/news/15785/alv...-alien-invasion The short film:
  6. as I kid I used to like that ninja movie with Franco Nero
  7. Reviews are not kind thus far: http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/1198524-ninja_assassin/
  8. 300 + Creatures from a Guillermo Del Toro movie
  9. Trailer will debut sunday http://iamkick-ass.com/ I like the comics and the Director has done 2 excellent movies (Layer Cake and Stardust) so I have faith in this.
  10. Avater Delgo parallels? http://www.movieline.com/2009/08/the-7-eer...r-and-delgo.php
  11. I give 5/5
  12. 1. Because Destro is supposed to be a "Good Guy", and amist the chaos the world was going to turn to him for help. If he gave the weapons right away to cobra they would know he was evil. 2. Maybe because they didn't have time to take the weapons back to their underwater base? 3. Did you miss the part with Zartan assuming the role of the President? it seemed really clear that all the pieces were in place and Destro had just been a pawn of Commander all along. Cobra commander will be probably realeased soon, and baroness will still be evil since they can still control her.
  13. It was a fun popcorn flick, what TF2 should of been but wasnt. Baroness was super hot, I liked Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow, but the dude that plays Duke sucks balls, on the same level with the kid that played darth vader.
  14. anyone got pics on the FF cosplay chick 3:35
  15. pls post pics of more hot woman
  16. me 2 i have also had this problems
  17. Trailer: http://www.mtv.com/videos/movie-trailers/4...-assassin.jhtml Info: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1186367/ Poster:
  18. http://www.darkhorizons.com/news/14695/sam...m-warcraft-film
  19. I would of preferred bradly cooper http://www.imdb.com/news/ns0000002/#ni0873617
  20. this is basically the apartheid with aliens? Looks Awesome!!!!
  21. old woman
  22. so now star wars is going to officially be as crappy as star trek.
  23. TF2 has earned a spot among the other greats in this thread.
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