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Everything posted by Ladic

  1. I'm set on buying an HDTV, and get rid of my old TV, but I don't know much about them. I saw one I liked at Circuit City, and wanted to ask some of you that have more expertise on this matters what do u think of this TV before I buy it? The Price is $759.99 at the store. http://www.circuitcity.com/rpsm/oid/96280/...tDetail.do#tabs
  2. hahahaah
  3. I havent seen m7 and probably never will, but m2, was just aweful
  4. A sad day indeed.
  5. I like Mickey Rourkes performance best, but Willis was awesome too.
  6. just saw the movie, it was pure badass.
  7. the one thing that maybe will dissapoint me with this movie, is Grevious, at least in the comic adaptation, he doesnt seem to do much, and is yet another potentially kickass villain that seems wasted.
  8. I wonder who the bigger whiners are, the ones that don't like the new trilogy, or the ones that can't take others not liking the new trilogy.
  9. it came out yesterday actually
  10. I just read the comic book adaptation and it was awesome.
  11. I just read the comic adaptation, pure awesomeness!
  12. when is the release day for the shadow one?
  13. They have been genetically modified, maybe thsi has something to do with their lack of labido, besides nobody but Han ever seemed very interested in getting a piece of ass in Star Wars, and Jango seemed so disinterested that instead of finding a woman and getting some lovin' he had a clone created of himself. not true!!!
  14. 2 more weeks and they'll probably hit $39.99, like the second one.
  15. somebody needs to put "OWNED" on that pic.
  16. Question, if you surf the web with the psp, how do u type stuff??
  17. http://www.gregoxsen.com/videos/PSPCommercial_1_wmvlow.wmv
  18. I somehow doubt the kids in the pic above are taking a nap.
  19. I doubt it, it seemed to end where the movie begins.
  20. http://www.robotech.com/news/viewarticle.php?id=208
  21. http://www.29hdnetwork.com/psp_guide.html
  22. what do dead pixels look like?
  23. http://www.imdb.com/news/wenn/2005-03-24/#3
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