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Everything posted by Ladic

  1. WHy are there so many pictures of vader in the suit swinging the lightsaber, since he never actually does in the movie?
  2. used games
  3. the psp movies at circuitcity are $12.99
  4. http://www.gamespot.com/news/2005/04/18/news_6122418.html
  5. Why not get the Cyberhome one? you can make it region free with the unlock code. It retails for $40, but most stores have mail in rebates so you can get it in the $20's with the rebates. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detai...ronics&n=507846
  6. Now I know what's bugging me. That's not Stik at all, it's Professor Fuyutski from Evangelion! Oh come on, no one else see's the similarities? no
  7. she looks older and uglier outside the movie nope
  8. ********Spoilers Beware***************** http://www.darkhorizons.com/news05/050417b.php
  9. I always thought it looked more like an invid.
  10. Interesting tidbit I found on IMDB about Robocop: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0093870/trivia
  11. wow, in those pictures he looks ALOT like Christopher Reeve.
  12. there are NO theories, the novel/graphic novel is already out and explains palpatines background.
  13. marx, what the hell are you talking about? sidious/palpetine has never been a jedi.
  14. http://www.imdb.com/news/sb/2005-04-15/
  15. And unfortunately, with Sifo Dyas dead, you will never know why he ordered the clones. I prefer the Lucas explaination. First he's fighting an old man (who's last saber fight was 20 years ago). Then he's fighting a kid (who just got a lightsaber). Luke doesn't have the experience that Obi-Wan had. Obi-wan still has the skill but he doesn't have the stamina he had 20 years ago. He can't do a long fight like when he faced Anakin-Vader the last time (ep. 3). yeah that sucks, I would of like to know why he did it. About the vader fighting, it makes sense, remeber in ESB, when he is fighting luke, he isnt really going on all, until Luke manages to hit him in the arm, and then vader gets pissed and not 2 seconds later, BAAAM, lukes hand is gone.
  16. Did they mention on the Revenge of the SIth book, who was master syfo dias and who ordered the clones? Was it Dooku?
  17. from the way it was explained in tpm i dont see why not.
  18. why didnt the emperor just clone anakin?
  19. wow, I hadn't realized how awful the graphics for the ninttendo DS were.
  20. are you being serious or sarcatic? i can't tell if you are or not half the time that's a great collection though my jaw literally dropped as i was scrolling through the whole page it's wow...just wow... No I am serious... I love talking about 80's video games at parties. I told some chick she could give me a blowjob if she could name all the fighters in Mike Tyson's Punchout. Unfortunately she came up with 4 names and 3 were wrong.
  21. LMAO
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