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Everything posted by Ladic

  1. Yeah I'm a big fan of his movies too, I just hope he hasnt lost hi touch, it's been like 20 years since his last zombie one right?
  2. Latest Trailer: http://movies.apple.com/movies/wb/batman_b...-tlr4a_m480.mov
  3. I haven't download it yet. http://mp3content01.bcst.yahoo.com/b02r01/.../2/14819040.mov
  4. Could these possible be Xbox 360 game pics??? http://games.tiscali.cz/clanek/screen.asp?id=8921
  5. there is a vast difference on the alphas WITH and W/O the stickers, amazing.
  6. http://www.imdb.com/news/sb/2005-04-27/
  7. I uh, concur When I bought my NES, the first 3 games I bought with the system (Aside from Super Mario/Duck hunt that came bundled), were Contra, Jackal and Metal Gear. Funny thing is, the reason I ever owned a NES, was because my brother at the time collected Gi Joe Comics and on the back would see the adds for Metal Gear, and wasnt sure what it was but looked cool, and so bought the system. It was all about Capcom for me. Megaman and Rescue Rangers! I do have fond memories of Dragon Warrior 3, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2, and Castlevania 3, though. And the versus mode in Trojan was kind of like a very early Soul Calibur... I only had Dragon Warrior 1 and loved it. I had TMNT 1 but never liked it much, but I loved the 2nd one, but never owned it. Also had Castlevania 2, never owned the others. And Trojan goes on without saying, one of the best Arcade games of all time IMHO.
  8. I uh, concur When I bought my NES, the first 3 games I bought with the system (Aside from Super Mario/Duck hunt that came bundled), were Contra, Jackal and Metal Gear. Funny thing is, the reason I ever owned a NES, was because my brother at the time collected Gi Joe Comics and on the back would see the adds for Metal Gear, and wasnt sure what it was but looked cool, and so bought the system.
  9. I could of told you the exact same review from reading the graphic novel.
  10. his companies have revolutionazied sounds and special effects.
  11. Yes. It will. And for the record, I've heard this exact argument three times now. N64 and GameCube were both Nintendo's last system. A few people said it in the SNES days, but they were all die-hard drooling idiot Sega fanboys, so their opinion can be dismissed. Time sure does tell. yep
  12. time will tell.
  13. I reaaaally doubt a nintendo console will ever again be #1. I got my money on their next console being the last one.
  14. http://www.darkhorizons.com/news05/050425a.php
  15. http://www.darkhorizons.com/news05/050425c.php
  16. i'll probably wait a year o year and a half and see wich has the better games and the best coming up games.
  17. http://news.teamxbox.com/xbox/8112/Xbox-360-Exposed/
  18. I dunno if its real, but a few sites are reporting this pics, here are some more.
  19. 2
  20. http://www.consolewars.de/news/newsdisplay...d068b12f4ecd263
  21. fan made
  22. this guys should of been cast
  23. I watch Conan O'Brien.
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