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Everything posted by Ladic

  1. red dragon was great....
  2. I wanna see what Juggernut is gonna look like.
  3. I like more the fact that the guy went from hairdresser to movie producer, lol.
  4. interesting stuff. and would the mods wannabe stfu for once?
  5. revo can play original nes, snes and n64 games?
  6. does the $399 version come with 2 controllers? a wired and wireless? or just a wireless?
  7. when is it expectrd to be more available?
  8. Yes. Although isn't aren't Mazda6's a bit more than $20k? My Mom recently bought a 4cyl automatic hatchback Mazda6, and despite the anemic engine and wussbox transmission it's a great car. Gas milage isn't great, but it drives and looks a hell of a lot better than the competition. 346080[/snapback] My '99 Mitsubishi Montero Sport, got trashed in the hurricane Wilma, and I got a nice check for $7500 from the insurance and the car back, which I will probably trade in for a new car, but won't get that much since its kind of trashed. So I start my search for a new car, I like the Mazda6, i believe the Sports Sedan model is in the 19K-22K range, which can be a good option, altough I will probably lease it this time around, as I don't plain on keeping too long. But I dunno if there are better option available, I goto look around, but basically I'm looking for something with 4 doors.
  9. well Christopher Reeves SUperman movies weren't very serious either, so i think Hackman potrayal, fit well in the scheme of things.
  10. I didn't like the movie too much but Ralph Fiennes pwns!
  11. I need to buy a new car in the 18-20K range, is the Mazda6 any good?
  12. I understand that this movie takes places after Superman 2, he had left earth and this movie is about him coming back after a few years, hence the superman returns title. As for Marlon Brando, I think at first they wanted to cast Anthony Hopkins for the role, but they decided to just use some unused footage from the originals and keep marlon Brando.
  13. I played a little xbox360 at walmart and eb games
  14. i don't like the new guy they chose
  16. http://www.imdb.com/news/flash/ I loved that show.
  17. http://revolutionnoob.ytmnd.com/
  18. that has to be the worst controller I've seen in my life
  19. I hope the show is good, looking foward to it.
  20. I love my 32X, of course I bought it when it was being sold for $20 at toys r us, and $4 a game (in early 96), but the Star Wars Arcada, Virtua Fighter, Virtua racing kicked ass. It also had the best version of Mortal Kombat 2 of any console, and NBA Jam was quite nice too. I also have some Spider-Man game for it, which was alright.
  21. Cool, 2 games taht interested me for PSP, Pro Evolution (Winning Eleven) and Football Mananger, but only released in Europe. When PSP goes down in price a bit more, ill pick one up.
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