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Everything posted by Ladic

  1. http://www.imdb.com/news/sb/2006-03-08/
  2. TIME Magazine Review: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/...1169916,00.html
  3. Anyone else liked Kravens Last Hunt? thats one of my fave spidey stories. This is also probably one of my favorite covers of all time.
  4. You need the latest version of Quicktime..7 I think... I'd like to see if there are any screenshots already. 377630[/snapback] thanks, now it works, lol
  5. I cant see the trailer, am I the only one?
  6. good thing crash won
  7. didnt read thru, but is it only for GBA? that would suck
  8. forgot about marvel zombies, best marvel comic in years.
  9. Walking Dead, best series out there. I just read Rising Stars for the first time, loved it.
  10. ***Possible SPoiler**** Venom Picture??? http://www.aintitcool.com/display.cgi?id=22569 ***end possible spoiler***
  11. http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product...il&picture=aux2
  12. most consoles that break, aren't because of defects, but because people don't take care of their s**t.
  13. I didn't like almost anything, the animation was on par with a saturday morning cartoon, didn't like the liberties they took with the story. And it's like they dumbed it down for 5 year olds.
  14. bought it, watched it, and the movie was crap, I want my money back.
  15. http://www.imdb.com/news/wenn/2006-02-21/
  16. release is today, best buy has it for $12.99 and it comes with some collectible cards.
  17. I'd buy a 360 just for this http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=9418&type=mov
  18. http://www.imdb.com/news/wenn/2006-02-20/
  19. uwe boll should just die
  20. Andriy Schevchenko 42%
  21. I have faith in the direct, I like LOST and ALias is a good series, plus the casting is looking good.
  22. is it true they are going to come out with darth mauls light up lightsaber this year for close to $200?
  23. Nintendo: Oldschool Revolution
  24. hey man, where can I find those mods?
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