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Everything posted by Ladic

  1. nah, anything is better than ali , but I goto agree, as much entertaining as it was, it was a subpar movie for michael mann.
  2. I want to change the CD deck for and MP3/CD deck in my car (Mazda6 2006), which one you guys recommend? and I would like to spend less than $150 on it.
  3. you goto be stupid to believe that after number 3 is going to gross anywhere between 200-250m if not more, they wouldn't go ahead with a 4th one. Marvel and Sony do not hate money.
  4. fart you. Name me one other good movie where a major character is introduced in the middle of the film. Tell me one other good film where the time of day abruptly changes in the middle of a scene. You can't becuase good movies don't do that. All the nifty special effects and big explosions in the world can't cover a vrappy film. My knowing the technical terms for what's going wrong doesn't mean it isn't. 403659[/snapback] Tell you what, let us know what movie you made, wrote, or took part in so we can all watch and then we can all witness what you learned in film school, since you love to throw around your script writing 101 class so much. BTW: Lord of the Rings Kingdom of Heaven Gladiator all introduce major characters in the middle of the movie. What you're really is saying, is that no movie that YOU like breaks these rules, doesn't mean that the movie is bad. Just that you have narrow taste and were well programmed by your professors. 403761[/snapback] couldn't agree more
  5. double post
  6. lol, i saw the same episode, they said they could build u a brand new delorean from left over parts for $40K
  7. fart you. Name me one other good movie where a major character is introduced in the middle of the film. Tell me one other good film where the time of day abruptly changes in the middle of a scene. You can't becuase good movies don't do that. All the nifty special effects and big explosions in the world can't cover a vrappy film. My knowing the technical terms for what's going wrong doesn't mean it isn't. 403659[/snapback] 1. Seven 2. Bohoo, so in a world were people can read minds, move bridges, shoot lasers out of their eyes, the fact that in one scene the time changed a bit to fast makes the movie worthless? 3. This film students seem to forget that movies are supposed to be first and foremost entertaining. Not every movie is made with the objective of winning 10 academy awards.
  8. gotta love the film school snobs, quentin tarantinos wannabes. lol.
  9. and with the 120million it just pulled in 4 days, you better believe it, xmen 4 will come sooner than later.
  10. You said it pretty well. Funny that a lot of people are saying that "this sucked" or "was terrible" when the movie is averaging a B+ on average (which is where I would put it, not great but good) from fan reviews (Yahoo). 403558[/snapback] And have to agree as well. ***possible spoilers*** most of the complaints I seem to hear are, that it sucks that alot of mutants lost their powers because they got shot with the cure, and that cyclops and profesor x died. I wonder if they even watched the movie???? ***end spoilers***
  11. I learned to drive with manual, but I can tell you automatic transmission is a bless for dirving in the city.
  12. cool, thanks for that link. Do you know how long does that free shipping usually take for movies to arrive? I cant find anywhere in their site, their shipping transit times.
  13. I want to buy Ninja Scroll on DVD (I have it on VHS somwhere). But the regular version is $15.99 and the 10 year anniversary is like $35.99. Is there any major differences between either? I dont really care for Extras, as long as the movie is in widescreen and picture quality is great, thats what I want. Which should I go for?
  14. I really liked X3, and the snippet after the credits is very important.
  15. gotta love the morons that hate robotech but post on every robotech thread.
  16. http://www.imdb.com/news/sb/2006-05-25/
  17. I want to play that new zombie game for xbox360
  18. http://games.kikizo.com/news/200605/098.asp
  19. wow, this thread is turning into the ridculous.
  20. according to Robotech.com they are showing the movie today at cannes.
  21. National Treasure was better than this.
  22. I weep for todays children, thank god I didnt grew up with this crap.
  23. I'd flat out LOVE to see a Punch-Out game which used the motion-sensing capabilities of the Wiimote. Come to think of it, I am also praying that some very smart person at Sega has thought "Hey... how about a new Samba de Amigo?" 398875[/snapback] That brings back dissapointing memmories of Punch Ouch and the Power Glove
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