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Everything posted by Ladic

  1. loved it, venom was really well done. and Bruce campbell had the best cameo out of the 3 films.
  2. falloutt tactics was good though.
  3. http://fallout.bethsoft.com/
  4. hell yeah, porno convention down here in florida. , Tara Patrick, Ron Jeremy, Jenna Jameson, etc
  5. I recently remember about these toys, and how much fun I had with them. Who else here had these? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_Beasts
  6. other stuff in the case are 5 120mm led fan, 1 200mm fan, 2 dvd drives, 1 hd and 1 pci 1 card (sound card)
  7. I'm raplacing the mobo with this one instead, since i can get it in a combo with the cpu i want http://www.newegg.com/product/Product.asp?...N82E16813188016 What I am trying to find is a cheaper psu that can handle that system, do you think the one I currently have can handle it? this is the one I have right now. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16817153023
  8. Ok guys, its time for me to upgrade my PC, my current setup is AMD XP 2500+, X800pro, 2gig ram, and its beginning to struggle with games. WHat I mostly do with my PC is Gaming and web surfing. I have about $700 Budget to replace Mobo, CPU, Ram, Vid Card and PSU. This is what I had in mind so far, what do you guys think? MOBO: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?...N82E16813131022 CPU: http://www.newegg.com/product/Product.asp?...N82E16819103778 Ram: http://www.newegg.com/product/product.asp?...N82E16820231098 Video Card: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?...N82E16814130082 PSU: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?...N82E16817153029
  9. so anyone get the game and play it yet?
  10. anyone use the medikit money cheat, heh
  11. you can download xcom here: http://www.xcomufo.com/x1dl.html
  12. I hope this one is finally a good succesor, I've been let down by UFO aftershock and UFO aftermath
  13. I don't think any other bf game has been able to replicate the coolness of playing bf1942 for me.
  14. call me crazy but i love my 32x, of course i only paid like $20 for it back then
  15. some of my fave genesis games where sid meier's pirates gold aerobiz supersonic warsong uncharted waters
  16. now that prices have dropped, im thinking of picking up a psp. but mostly i want it for playing mp3, web browsing and playing roms like nes, snes and genensis. anyone know a good website that can teach me this stuff?
  17. buying a new ps2 and xbx360 is still cheaper than buying a ps3
  18. wow, that was probably the worst episode yet
  19. yestarday i got those red lights one the machine, i thought I was sol and my machine was dead. I turned it off for a few minutes and turn it back on, and it was working fine again. what does this mean? i got lucky? or is my machine close to death? this is my 2nd machine since Blackfriday 2006, only about 4 months.
  20. did you guys see the dateline nbc episode with chris hensen unconvering some of those internet scammers? i believe it was in england. it was great and funnny.
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