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Everything posted by Ladic

  1. the source material isn't the best, meaning the FF comics suck. So can we expect better from the movie? I liked SS, he was well done. The rest of the movie was just like the first one, Little action, and they never exploit the potential of Dr Doom in this movies. They should of at least put in a siloutte of Galatcus inside that cloud, to make us think, there was something driving that storm, but Galactus as the storm itself, sucks. And the way he is defeted is a joke.
  2. I dont like the batcycle, it seems to take away from the seriouness of the movie.
  3. that trailer looks terrible and the terminator like a dork.
  4. The trailer looks good, I liked the 70's version The Omega Man. But this seems to go back to the roots of the book and use vampires watch trailer here: http://www.apple.com/trailers/wb/iamlegend/
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbK9rGhFYmQ...ed&search=#
  6. Im not sure which is exactly the premise of this series clone wars, but I would like to see more of the story that happened elsewhere, not necesarily the ob1 and anakin adventures. But more Clone Trooper tales and other jedis in different planets fighting. I think we've seen enough of yoda, windu, ob1, anakin with the movies.
  7. this is coming fall 2008
  8. Why would you voluntarily watch Phantom Menace again?
  9. is it better than the second one? cause that wasn't that good.
  10. you know who gets all the ladies
  11. some of the lines the troops said were taken from Aliens movie, I wonder if they will put them in again, that was such a cool touch in the original SC.
  12. nice, now to wait 5 years till they finish it, lol.
  13. eric roberts? holy crap!!!
  14. not really, hehe. Lets just say I got a Russian Version. lol
  15. I loved this movie, might even be better than the original
  16. k, I built a second base, but it only lets me build a limited number of rooms? I mean, I build a second hangar but I cant put a transport ship there? It only let me buy interceptors and I can't transfer them either.
  17. When u go get your soldiers promoted, they give u points with which you can raise individual stats. Also when In combat, the Fog of war dissappears much less than before. In the Original when u looked in a direction, u could all the way to the end, now you see alot less in front of u.
  18. Also, don't know if it is coincidence or not, but Botht battles I've fought, the map has been exactly the same.
  19. Another thing is that the Interceptor fights are different from the Oiriginal, it now takes places on the World Map and you apparently have no control on how to fight it, you just seem to send the aircraft and it does the fighting auto. Also some new troops arrived to my base, but I never bought them, so maybe they just send you troops, scientists engineers, when u need them???? Anyways here are some screencaps
  20. ok, ill upload some screenshot.
  21. ok, I got the game. It is very very similar to the original, it even has the original music. The Interface has changed a bit, but mostly the placement of the stuff, but it has all the same buttons. Some things I still have not figured out, are how to buy soldiers, engineers and scientists, you can't do it thru the buy/sell menu. In the battefield you no longer have the button that saves enough AP for an aimed, snap and autoshot. But instead it will tall you have many AP your desired movement will cost you. There is no longer a Whole Map view of the battlefield, I miss this the most. I also miss that the World Map is no longer of Earth, but some random planet.
  22. mechfan, if i use media center to stream videos, what are all the media types available now since the update? before I believe it was only WMV.
  23. I agree, Spidey has probably had the lamest bunch of supervillains in comics. Venom was one of the few saving graces. Mysterio, Vulture, Scorpion, Chamelon, yuck!
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