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Everything posted by Ginrai

  1. Let's not forget the series of trainwrecks Nishizaki has helmed without Matsumoto like Odin.
  2. But it's just an homage to Rider Kick! from Kamen Rider.
  3. Yeah right. More like "if you liked horrible pedo garbage like He Is My Master or Strike Witches you'll probably like this a lot too!"
  4. For christ's sake, you miss absolutely no footage. Sticking "the movie" on it is dumb, but it is not a hackjob. Clash of the Bionoids is a hackjob.
  5. Uh and Macross Plus The Movie was written before the OAV and the entire time it was intended to be done as the movie. The OVA was expanded from the movie. That is not a very good example. Whatever, Manga barely touched it. Give me a break.
  6. Hack job? All they did was take out the opening and closing theme on all the episodes but the first OP and last ED. They didn't even cut out the title cards.
  7. I was talking about the, "If they didn't have real estate, they'd go out of business!" You have no clue what their profit margins are like or what kind of investors they have or anything like that. They could be make lots of bank selling TV shows to third world countries or something. You don't know that.
  8. How do you know, Mr. Armchair Economist?
  9. Oh shut up. Someone was giving out incorrect information and I was correcting it. Dallos is the first OAV. That is a fact, and having an opinion that something other than Dallos is the first OAV is stupid because it's not true. Also, Dallos is totally boring. Now THAT is an opinion.
  10. Okay, Robotech The Movie was made from Megazone 23 Part 1 and Southern Cross. There is zero Macross in Robotech the Movie. Megazone 23 Part 1 DOES have a sex scene, they just cut most of it out. You still see them in bed together under the covers in the afterglow. Imagine if you actually knew what you were talking about. But hey, knowing what you're talking about isn't what Macross World users are remembered for, right?
  11. Megazone 23 Part 1 had a sex scene as well.
  12. Uhm, the first OAV is Dallos. There's no argument about it. Then there was lots of porn. Then there was Megazone.
  13. Yeah, it's called Tachiguishi Retsuden aka Tachigui: The Amazing Lives of the Fast Food Grifters. It's an expansion of an idea in Oshii's Kerberos movie from the '80s called Red Spectacles, a sort of absurdist comedy. The "fast food grifters" are people who scam free fast food. The movie is kind of like South Park-esque animated puppet meets fake documentary. It's also kind of an absurd comedy and incredibly dense with in-jokes.
  14. Yeah Voltron already had two full American credited series, with a third on the way, and like Robotech, a movie in the works. I think Voltron is BETTER at it than Robotech.
  15. Let me introduce you to my friend Voltron.
  16. Well was it Fire Bomber that made Macross 7 popular or Macross 7 that made Fire Bomber popular? Probably both. As much as I am loathe to make the connection, it's kind of like Miley Cyrus. Yuck. Also note that the western concept of romance is not universal and in Japanese culture, the idea of longing for someone is more romantic than actually getting them. If you ask me, this is pretty similar to the Japanese artistic concept of mono no aware, or the beauty of impermanence. These are both concepts that are very common in Japanese art and pop culture that are not really part of western culture.
  17. Yeah, you are talking about westerners. Macross 7 was a huge hit in Japan and very popular.
  18. The same guys wrote Star Trek. I think the problem is Michael Bay ignores any script he gets and does whatever the fart he wants. "Needs more racism!" "Needs more slow mo!"
  19. Way to spell moron incorrectly.
  20. How do you figure? Macross 7 had over 50 episodes, a movie, and a sequel OAV not to mention massive amounts of merchandise. That's a lot more than Macross Plus.
  21. You're right. Dusts on earth certainly aren't enough. We need many more dusts on earth.
  22. I thought Macross was great because of robot jets, good music, and pretty girls.
  23. How did you blow $400 on a DVD set that sold for $250, even at the initial preorder, which was the most expensive way to get it?
  24. I don't think you understand how cartoons are created. Toy companies SPONSOR cartoons. THEY provide money, not the producers of the TV show. When Matchbox pulled out, Robotech II: The Sentinels collapsed because they decided not to help pay for the show.
  25. See, that's exactly how it was for me too. It's too bad that the original Zyuranger is so awwwwwful. Jetman is pretty cool though!
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