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Everything posted by Ginrai

  1. No they're not.
  2. The Microman Microchange toys (Soundwave, Perceptor, Megatron, Blaster et cetera) were all 1/1 scale. The Diaclone toys actually are non-scale. No way are Starscream and the other F-15s in scale with the semi truck that is Optimus Prime. They should be HUGE by comparison.
  3. You guys sure that isn't supposed to be Jack Baker?
  4. I could probably do something in San Francisco again. I live here, after all. Pretty much guarantee my girlfriend won't want to attend though.
  5. My stupid Xbox 360 red ringed. Haven't gotten it back from Microsoft yet.
  6. Now you see what I was talking about. Just have people meet on skype and have everyone record their own end of the conversation with some audio recording software. Audacity is free and works. Then get everyone to send you their end of the recording and combine it in software. You'll get way better results. Talkshoe sucks.
  7. Talkshoe suuuuucks but good luck on your show nonetheless. Be prepared for lunatics to show.
  8. Right, like I said he was animating robot fight scenes back in Gundam. If you read the interview with Itano in ADV's release of Megazone 23 Part II, he talks about the bottlerockets thing.
  9. Enjoy: http://www.pelleas.net/aniTOP/index.php?p=172
  10. Uh Itano was the animation director for the mecha scenes. I think it's HIM. Itano Circus anyone? That was not Kawamori's invention. Itano did that kind of animation on Gundam before Macross even existed.
  11. And MS Igloo and plenty of other things set in UC.
  12. You're replying to a post from an entire year ago. Ultimate Frontier wasn't even out yet.
  13. But Mikimoto did Trash, not Kawamori?
  14. I think you are grossly overestimating the amount of people in the mecha anime fanbase in the US.
  15. Yes, yes it is. http://www.robotech.com/store/viewcategory.php?id=14 That has some of the ADV release in stock, all of the AnimEigo release in stock, Southern Cross in stock... but you'd be better off on Amazon most likely. Here's a Mospeada/Southern Cross doublepack from ADV: http://www.amazon.com/Southern-Genesis-Cli...264&sr=1-17 Both shows in full for about 50 bucks used. You can probably get better deals if you poke around ebay or if you buy all 9 discs of the AnimEigo release in singles used. They seem to be around 3 bucks a disc used. They are just regular region 1 (US/Canada) DVDs, but you can always use a program like DVD Region Free on your computer to block DVD region checking.
  16. The occasional useful tidbit comes out of here.
  17. What are you talking about? They did exactly that. AnimEigo and ADV releases of SDF Macross and ADV releases of Mospeada and Southern Cross.
  18. This thread never amuses me.
  19. Only Heavy Gear 1 used the MechWarrior 2 engine (as did Interstate '76, a decidedly different game). HG2 was built from the ground up and really moved quite fast.
  20. How do you know they're not? This toy isn't out.
  21. Allow me to introduce you to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Captain_Harlo..._Thousand_Years and well as Ziv's Captain Harlock: http://www.cornponeflicks.org/harlock/ZIVharlock.html ...and of course the rest of the anime movies mangled by Celebrity's Just for Kids line including Dallos, Cyborg 009, Osamu Tezuka's Phoenix, Techno Police 21C (the first Artmic production), Dagger of Kamui, and many more.
  22. Bleh, I only got 3 discs of Orguss from ImagineAsian. Wish I could get the rest. The bootleg's subs are TERRIBLE. The evil robots from Mu are called the evil robots from Timmy. No joke. Timmy.
  23. No. That's ridiculous. If HG owned the rights to DYRL, they wouldn't have released them under some bizarre cheapo front company. This rumour started because Best Film & Video released Streamline's Lensman as well due to some weird rights thing.
  24. Blame? It was a cool comic.
  25. I stand corrected. I guess I was just looking for glane21. At any rate.
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