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Everything posted by Ginrai

  1. Here's an old, ugly shot from my old house. Most of my toys are in boxes in the attic at the moment due to lack of space, so all that's out now is my new WZC, my ugly Exo-Squad/Robotech Valkyrie, and my Jumbo Great Mazinger. Obviously this picture does not have my new WZC in it: http://www.masterforce.org/shelf2.jpg
  2. The reason RRG needs debunking is because everyone, especially Robotech fans, think it's some kind of official source and insist on using their bullshit, completely imaginary names, like Tou Salaam. That irritates me to to no end.
  3. There's different bootlegs. The Blazer that has the gray shoulders is pretty close to the real thing, but as you note, the red shoulder one sucks. It's been a while since I checked out my ex's real Bandai Blazer, but doesn't it ALSO have the speaker pod launcher instead of a real gun, incorrectly?
  4. Can't believe I missed this before. Macross II seems to be set in the same universe as those games. DYRL to Scrambled Valkyrie to the three PC98 games, to 2036, to Eternal Love Song, to Macross II. There's an old thread where I think Yoshi was going on an on about this, including translations of stuff from the old games. I agree that VF-1MS is silly since it has nothing in common with the VF-1.
  5. I don't understand how the VF-2SS and 2JA can be the same airframe when they're not the same shape and the battroid 2JA is WAY taller than the 2SS.
  6. Remind me to try to find more Megazone 23 stuff for you.
  7. Yay, just got my DX Gundam Wing Zero Custom today! That leaves only one DX remaining, unless you count the crappy bootleg Gundam X and its ugly bootleg friend, the blue Airmaster. I haveeee... DX Gundam F-91 DX Airmaster Gundam bootleg DX Gundam Wing DX Gundam GP-01 fb DX Gundam GP-02A DX Nu Gundam DX Sazabi DX Shining Gundam DX Dragon Gundam DX Gundam Wing Zero Custom I know F-91 is not technically part of this cycle of DXes (nor is the bootleg Airmaster), but close enough. Also the Sazabi is the Japanese release since I never ever saw the US release once, and the God Gundam's US release as Burning Gundam was cancelled, but I still intend to get the Japanese release from the 90's.
  8. I like the bukkake cover.
  9. Uhm, yeah, but uh, Kawamori designed that Gundam, too.
  10. The real problem is that I have a PSP, right? I can just rip a DVD and put it on my memory stick. What the hell do I need a UMD for? The only UMDs I have are games.
  11. Oh yeah, I'm sure HG said, "Okay, you can have the Macross license, but the box art has to be plain and horrible so it has no chance of selling. That way, we won't make any money from you. Because we like being broke." Please. More likely AnimEigo spent their entire budget restoring the series and didn't have any money left over for decent packaging. And/or despite the long delay, maybe they were still rushed on packaging. Because the restortion was obviously where their effort went.
  12. I love my AnimEigo set, but agree that box design sucks ass. I don't think this guy, talented as he may be, put any effort into the design. It's basically a ripoff of the old Laserdisc set. I'm pretty sure when you pull the discs out of the box on the Memorial Boxset it has the same boring black background with colored line art on it. Yawn. I wonder if I could buy just the ADV boxes somewhere.
  13. Oobari isn't -awful-, he just has a weird, fairly unique style. The issue is you have to team him with a writer who isn't shite. When he has a shite writer you get Voltage Fighter Gowkaiser. When he has a good writer you get Fatal Fury The Motion Picture. I'm still confused that a fighting game anime is actually -good-, but it is. Of course, all the other Fatal Fury animes are not so good... Detonator Orgun is cool (Hideki Kakinuma of Mospeada, Bubblegum Crisis, Gall Force, et cetera fame wrote it), Tekkaman Blade is cool, I even like Machine Robo Revenge of Cronos, the cheesy martial arts anime.
  14. Oh, awesome, that means it will take two years for him to finish an episode. Thanks for all your hard work on Astonishing X-Men, Joss... when you can be bothered to do it.
  15. Uh, not necessarily. Lucas could pick shitty writers just like him...
  16. Uhm, maybe this is dumb, but to me Roy seems pretty obviously patterned on Sleggar Law from the original Mobile Suit Gundam... And Hikaru's whiney bitch thing was obviously inspired by Amuro Rei. Macross even parodizes how Amuro gets into the Gundam and immediately kills two Zakus with it at the beginning of the series by showing Hikaru get into the Valkyrie, immediately get shot down, and flail around smashing buildings.
  17. Skip it. 380664[/snapback] Gee, Jeleinen, thanks for that enlightening opinion. Do you think you could take two seconds out of your no doubt busy schedule to tell us -why- you think that? What's the point of a discussion if you just blurt out two word proclamations without any reasoning?
  18. I don't see what's so weird about Mikimoto doing Gundam. He did the character designs for Gundam 0080: War In The Pocket.
  19. Megazone 23 III is not part three, for the record, the III is read "the third", just like other anime like Lupin III or Armitage III, despite what ADV will tell you. It's a two part OAV sequel made quite a bit later than the other Megazones. Like a lot of 90's OAV sequels to 80's anime, it kind of goes off on a weird tangent. Think Orguss 02. I don't think it's -bad-, but it's not as good as Megazone 23 Part 1 or Part 2. It's really cyberpunk, has very little of the original cast of characters, and a really different feel. But it is directed by Shinji Aramaki (and Kenichi Yatagai, Macross II's director) and it does have some of that Aramaki feel, but it also has a lot of that 90's OAV sequel 'eh' to it. There's also some badly animated sequences where apparently due to time or budget problems they only have the key frames animated. Apparently Itano was insanely furious about this. Fits with Itano's extreme personality, plus the sequences animated by him look -fabulous-. III is a bit of a mixed bag, but worth seeing if you're at all into cyberpunk or want more Eve songs, or are interested in seeing some really badass Itano fight scenes. Especially the fight between the EX-Garland and the Original Garland at the end of episode two. That fight rules. I love Itano. Also there's some digs at the Akira film in III -- I guess the Artmic guys felt it owed a lot to Megazone 23, and I can't really blame them. The character named Akira is a Johnny come lately poseur who dies ignomiously...
  20. DYRL doesn't even explain that the SDF-1 is an alien ship, now does it? It doesn't explain why the aliens are attacking Earth, it doesn't explain how Earth got nuked... it doesn't explain a lot of things.
  21. The first Zillion game is basically a ripoff of Impossible Mission, which I always played on Commodore 64, but I remember there being an NES version of it. So yeah, Impossible Mission with a SLIGHT Metroid influence. I doubt very much Macek said the entire series would be released. The box of the first video calls it a five part miniseries. The sixth VHS tape, the Burning Night OAV, was a surprise.
  22. Well, I wouldn't go that far. Streamline was a -lot- better than what Harmony Gold did to Macross, SC, and Mospeada in the 80's, and what it did to Queen Millennia and Captain Harlock for that matter. Streamline's dubs were not the most accurate, nor were they the best acted, but at least the anime was uncut, right? I mean, their Akira is not how I'd prefer to watch it, but at least it's not Celebrity's Just For Kids, you know? I totally prefer Streamline to Clash of the Bionoids.
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