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Everything posted by Ginrai

  1. What? Men like 16 year old Hikaru Ichijo?
  2. I liked My Secret Identity better...
  3. I really liked last weekend's episode. First one where I really accepted Tennant. I'm finally okay with him, but he's still not Eccleston.
  4. Like I said before, it's the GM Sniper Custom from MSV. The GM Sniper Ground is just a regular GM Ground with a big gun. The GM Sniper Custom is at least a sort of separate design. The GM Sniper II would be cool, too, but I'm excited to be getting the GM Sniper Custom, which I also like a lot.
  5. There's a good fansub of Phoenix 2772: Love's Cosmozone. I downloaded it months ago. I think this is the same thing: http://tracker.ryalth.com:6969/torrents/d1...28b0472.torrent Also the dub you're referring to is a Hong Kong dub, not an Australian one, and there are two versions of it, the Celebrity Just for Kids! release like the Clash of the Bionoids one is cut to hell (and called Space Firebird), but the Best Film & Video version (called Phoenix 2772) is uncut, but still has that bad HK dub and it's an EP VHS tape either way, so quality is not great. The recent show is licensed by Media Blasters/Anime Works, but I have not heard of a release date. Furthermore, with the manga, 6 volumes of the 12 that Osamu Tezuka completed before his death are available from Viz in English. They're really, really good, especially Space (volume 2), which Phoenix 2772 is loosely based on. Space is probably the best piece of "sequential art" or graphic novel or whatever snooty term you would like to use to say "comic book".
  6. Redesigning the RX-78 Gundam into the GP-01 and GP-02A does not qualify as "being responsible" for the show, just partial mecha design.
  7. That's not even true. I've been involved in conversations about Macross II, Macross Plus, Macross 7, and even Macross Zero on Robotech.com many times.
  8. Nu uh, Salamander has different power up mechanics and blah blah blah. It's not the same game. Anyway, the end boss of Gradius is a brain. Gradius 2 has a head with no skin and an exposed brain. Gradius 3 has a big friggin' head with a giant partially exposed brain. Gradius Galaxies has a brain in a pot of soup. Gradius Gaiden has a swirly veiny marble thing. Gradius 5 has, uh, a brain... thing... The Gradius formula! http://shootthecore.moonpod.com/Gradiusformula.html So... where do I get the HK? I've never seen it in Chinatown and I don't see it on eBay.
  9. How is it Mamoru Nagano's first TV anime when he worked on both L-Gaim and Zeta Gundam?
  10. I feel kind of the opposite. I really liked Eternal Story, thought Destruction and Stardust War were okay but not as good as Eternal Story, and I just didn't like Rhea or Earth Chapter's uninspired Terminator ripoff thing. I also thought Ariel was just forgettable crap. The Salamander OAV is not based on Gradius, it's based on (shock) Salamander, which is known as Lifeforce in the US. Related, but different game. I'd love to see it though, but I've never found it.
  11. Talked about this on TBDX. It's the GM Sniper Custom from MSV, not the GM Sniper (G). In other news, I finally got my DX God Gundam, completing my DX Gundam collection: Yay!
  12. REF Field Guide especially has a -ton- of Mospeada line art.
  13. Just because it's the official Japanese spelling and whatever does not mean they actually were able to spell what they were -trying- to spell. How many cases of Engrish have we seen, kids? Furthermore, ancient Sumerian != English, so the common English version is probably not any more a correct representation of the ancient Sumerian either. I bet you ten bucks their language is not Germanic like English. Megazone 23's official spellings for lots of things are totally wrong. There's a jet that's clearly supposed to be Pluto which gets all kinds of weird stuff like Pludo and such. When you're talking about an English language version of a Japanese language version of an ancient Sumerian version it's hard to know exactly what they were going for. I don't blame the English translators for using the "correct" weird as far as they were concerned.
  14. Name: Jeremy Height: 6'1" Weight: 160 lbs (Yes, I know I'm tall and skinny, you don't need to point that out like 500 people do daily) Age: 24 Occupation: Right now I work at Tivo, writing jobs on the side when I can find them, did a three month gig writing dialogue/story/characters for a video game a few months ago. Education: BA in Cinema Body: Skinny as a rail. Relationship Status: Thank God I broke up with her... Picture: Me performing with my band last weekend. Edit: Added another pic from a different show.
  15. I definitely agree that Gundam needs to do -something- new, but I don't think -anything- new is the way to go. War between humans is fine, just fine some new factions and a new reason to fight. How about colonies at war with each other? A Federation civil war? Lots of things that haven't been explored.
  16. Okay. I'm going to reread that when I get home. I thought the civilization on Mars was destroyed, not the entire PLANET. I know whole planets are getting blown up left and right in GALL FORCE, another Artmic deal, so mayyyybe. It's less like ADAM is on the moon and more like ADAM -is- the moon. I recall pictures of the looking like an apple core with ADAM the core, but I'll have to see if I can figure out which book it's in and scan it. I'd vote for colony worlds. Gives you the most room for the story to move forward. Since the Diezalg were humans on a Megazone that merged with/got raped by/whatever aliens, it's possible other Megazones encountered aliens and also had a lot cross-species love, too. Having a hacked Bahamut Megazone where the people are totally in control of it is in an interesting idea too. Do you have a translated version of the SRW GBA game that mz23 is in? I was just trying to play that thing raw and having trouble following any story. The asteroid belt is REALLY far away without superluminal drives of some kind. Assuming something FX survived AND it was superluminal (why would it be?) they might get there, but I don't know that there would be anything around... Maybe it's more realistic that there was a space station near earth or near Mars. If Mars was destroyed, that would drastically alter Earth's orbit and fart up all the gravity, plus probably pelt the planet with debris. Extinction event level debris. I like the idea of a BDocracy in a little space station somewhere, hanging out, trying to live relatively normal lives, eventually being found by another returning Megazone or a hacked Megazone or something...
  17. Okay, Kyatsu, don't be an ass. We're talking about Japanese pop culture shows about GIANT TRANSFORMING ROBOTS. It's not exactly Shakespeare or Voltaire or Da Vinci or even Fritz Lang or Hitchcock. Come on.
  18. I think they probably took what small ships they could get together and left. BD was serious about saving his people and had matured from his small-minded power grab. He really did turn into an actual leader and really was trying to protect everyone from the Diezalg, and he did try to evacuate the survivors of the Diezalg incursion. ADAM would still destroy them if they got close to earth, so I'm guess they went somewhere else. Based on the backstory in the B-Club Special, I'm thinking really the only place they could go would be Mars. I don't think there's any Diezalg tyranny though, since I think ADAM killed them all.
  19. Dudem LowViz Lurker, what's your boner for aliens about? Gundam is -not about that-. It avoids the sci-fi (especially giant robot) cliche of humans fighting aliens. The humans vs. aliens thing makes morality simple and black and white. They are non-human, they are bad guys, they hate mankind, therefore it's okay to kill them. Macross dillutes this somewhat by suggesting that even though they're aliens they're essentially people, but humans driving robots fighting aliens is a hoary old mecha cliche. See the classics like Gredizer and a zillion other shows for more information. Gundam bucked lots of trends. Its robots were mass produced tools instead of super powerful undefeatable one of a kind behemoths. The pilots were all gung ho never say die types, so Gundam's protagonist is a wussy kid in over his head.
  20. Yeah, that's right. No one ever bothered to pick it up again. Sad. Mostly likely because the dub was never completed and it wasn't worth it to comission a new one, I'd guess.
  21. "Mou Ichido Love You" is one of my favorite songs in Macross, except if you're watching the horrible dub where that shrieking harpy of an English voice actress takes over and totally farting ruins the song. But otherwise, it's beautiful.
  22. Okay, I love Macross II, but you've gotta be kidding me on the voice acting. The English voice actors are -terrible-. This is one of the worst dubs I've ever heard, especially Hibiki's "actor". I don't know how many people I've tried to show this to who hated it dubbed, but actually liked it subbed. This dub = crime.
  23. Yeah, because Kawamori directed SDF Macross. Oh wait, no, he didn't! Well, he did all the mecha designs... oh wait! No, he didn't! Miyatake did most of them, including the Macross itself. Er, well then... uh... he wrote the TV series, right? Uh, no, that would be guys Ohnogi and Tomita et cetera. Well he must have done something right?
  24. If Artland/Artmic wanted him to die, they would have made it clear he was dead in loving detail. Come on, all those hentacle spearings, Shinji and Tomomi's horrible deaths... they were hardcore into that. When someone dies in Megezone, they die in the messiest way possible. No way would they have passed up showing BD's internal organs erupting or something. The question is, "What the hell did he do when he took off?" Maybe there's something that wasn't totally destroyed in the FX fleet and they just flew their *Saus onto it and took off. Hmm, there's an idea. BD hooks up with another Megazone and establishes his own BDocracy in a world where no one knows they're on a spaceship but him. Hmm, maybe BD and friends could even violate the Bahamut on that ship and could literally alter the world to their whims. That's a fun idea. "Welcome to BD Land!"
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