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Everything posted by Ginrai

  1. Same problem J_wong, email info@yamatotoysusa.com.
  2. Like I said earlier in the thread, the Super Spacefortress Macross/just Macross/whatever release from Best Film & Video is uncut but has the same dub as the Clash version. Or better put, Clash is a cut up version of the Best Film & Video dub of DYRL.
  3. That was pretty good, but not as good as Bad Wolf. I miss Billie Piper already. I finally recognized the new companion as the chick who just died in the second to last episode who was IMing her boyfriend while at work. Pretty teary goodbye to Rose, but... I wonder where the show is going now. The entire cast except Tennant is totally gone now. Oh well, Torchwood in October!
  4. That's totally the dub used in Clash of the Bionoids. It's fairly accurate, it just chooses really amusing ways to express things. It does have the Japanese songs and all of that.
  5. I don't really have anywhere to host masterforce.org.
  6. Regarding rotoscoping: The effect was invented in the early days of animation (in the teens) at the Max Fleischer studio, who basically bankrupted themselves with their incredibly expensive (at the time) rotoscoped 1941 Superman cartoon. You know, "Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane!" Fighting transforming robots and mad scientists and all. Thank the Flesichers for that, back in the day. Regarding Philip K. Dick: The man was quite probably manic-depressive and definitely made it worse by abusing meth amphetamines. Some of his later work can be interpreted as anti-drug... made AFTER he quit. Check out the interviews with people who knew him in the Future Noir, the exhaustive book about the making of Blade Runner. There were essentially two Philip K. Dicks. There was the intelligent, friendly, lucid Dick that you usually saw, and then the combatative paranoid who would treat every offhand comment you made as a personal attack. Regarding Linklater: He has made some interesting and challenging movies and some totally harmless commercial pap. School of Rock is a pretty feel good family-friendly commercial endeavour, and Waking Life is a meandering, surreal, pretentious little art film with a fascinating visual style. Dazed and Confused is 100 times better than similar coming of age stories like American Graffiti. The man has a lot of different styles. I'm hoping A Scanner Darkly is something a bit new. A bit of the pretentious art film with an interesting visual style, and hopefully a thoughtful and entertaining sci-fi film. Past screen adaptations of Dick's works tend to ignore the obvious drug connotations and swirling, twisting ever-in-flux reality and focus on the technological moral questions he poses. The films sometimes do a decent job of displaying the pervasive paranoia in his writing (Blade Runner, Minority Report, and Impostor are all pretty good at that), but mostly they do not understand the malleability of reality that Dick was obsessed with. He has a short story where an android discovers he's an android and then starts disassembling himself until he finds a spool of tape that controls his perception of of reality. He starts experimenting with it, drastically altering how he sees the world. This is interesting to me on three levels: 1) It's an overt reference to hallucinogenic drugs 2) It's incredibly paranoid -- what if you were a robot and you didn't even know it? And if your sense of reality is artificial, how accurate is it? 3) If you can modify your own perception of reality, was your perception of reality -ever- accurate? Does such a thing as an accurate perception of reality even -exist-? It's hard to portray this kind of personal crisis in a visual, cinematic fashion, but I bet this surrealistic CG rotoscoping technique is an excellent tool for trying it out. For anyone who thinks Dick never did drugs, he has a story where people live on the incredibly dull planet of Mars and their main source of entertainment is to do hallucinogenic drugs and play with what are essentially Barbie and Ken dolls. The drugs make them think they -are- Barbie and Ken, and they live out elaborate fantasy lives. Come on. Do you want a signed letter from him saying, "Hi. I'm Philip K. Dick. Drugs are really interesting."?
  7. I never "blasted" the company. Did I at any point attack the people working there, call them bad people? No. I said the product is unacceptable and that if they want to continue to get my business they have to make good on that. That is a basic, normal, sane reaction to commerce. It is not narcissistic or self-righteous to ask for a product that does not break the moment you try to use it. STOP WITH THE PERSONAL ATTACKS. I have never attacked you or Yamato or anyone at Yamato personally, yet you persist in personally insulting me. One more time, Eugimon. I never ever attacked them personally, I said the PRODUCT was not up to snuff and insisted that they had to make up for this shoddy product if they wanted more business from me. If they took offense at me being upset that my brand new $100 toy broke the moment I tried to use it carefully following the directions, then that would be totally unprofessional. The point of my posts was not to "insult" anyone, it was to make other consumers aware of the difficulties with the product they might also be considering. Most consumers like to know if a product is worthwhile, and how the company responds to defective product before they spend money on it, especially $100 on a luxery item like a super expensive plastic toy. Why do you think things like Consumer Reports exist? People don't want to waste their money. In other news, Yamato USA just emailed telling me to mail them the entire Garland for a replacement, which is completely different than what they said before. Before they said they would mail me an arm. I emailed back asking for clarification on this. I don't want to be out shipping costs if I don't have to be.
  8. The Psyco Gundam is -not- SDF-1 sized.
  9. Nothing, just random geek rage. I still can't place the new companion's face.
  10. I think their original programming has been flagging in recent years, but there's still some good stuff. I love Venture Bros., but absolutely hate crap like Tom Goes To The Mayor. Yuck.
  11. A new character with the same actress as a dead character. Clever, BBC. Ugh, I don't know if Tennant alone is enough to keep me going. Piper was what made me keep watching this season. Without her... well, I guess we'll see. I'll probably watch Torchwood though. John Barrowman's way more charismatic than Tennant IMO, and I'm totally down for some more Captain Jack Harkness. When is Torchwood supposed to start airing? And obviously I don't live in the UK either but it doesn't matter.
  12. That ending was just wow. I totally did not expect that to happen.
  13. My problem is not that metal bar, though, guys, so watch out for the shoulder OUTSIDE of the wheels. The wheel is FINE on mine, and I'm not the only one. You need to be careful when pulling the shoulder out from the wheel because there's only a tiny piece of plastic keeping the shoulder (the extrernal shoulder, NOT the wheel) together.
  14. And an HD TV and a stupid HDMI cable and a surround sound system...
  15. I also loosened the screws before even the first transform attempt, but that has nothing to do with the shoulder breaking on mine. Oh well.
  16. Maybe people don't fear change so much as having to rebuy their entire collection in a new format in addition to a new super expensive player... I'm not at all interested in retiring my DVDs.
  17. Will some kind soul pretty please pick up a Hikaru 1/100 VF-1S for me, speaking of Toynami 1/100 Valkyries?
  18. Hey, way to go for the personal attack, Eugimon. Classy. If you want to continue giving money to a company when they sell you defective product and refuse to replace it, go right ahead. The customer is right, they're the one paying for it, and if the company sells them something defective the company should replace it, which is what it looks like Yamato is doing. If you buy a defective product and go, "Oh well, this brand new TV I bought doesn't work right at all, but I don't mind!" that's your problem.
  19. Okay, now I'm happy. Yamato just called me to say they're going to send me a new arm for my Garland. They said it'd probably take a few days to get down and disassemble a Garland to get me the arm, but that's cool by me. Good show Yamato USA.
  20. Eugimon, if they solve the problem I will be fine with them. They have yet to offer me any such thing, and I do not expect perfection. I do however expect it to be in basic working condition, which this toy clearly is not. Furthermore, a redesigned (or properly manufactured, whatever) metal bar does absolutely -nothing- to help me, because that is not my problem. The fact that this problem has not cropped out with everyone else's Garland does make my Garland suddenly okay. I'm not the only with this problem and Yamato needs to make this better if they ever expect to get any money from me again. Furthermore, Twin Moons has updated their description of the Garland (no doubt in part due to my pestering) with the following message: "NOTE: This figure contains small fragile parts. Please read instructions carefully before transforming. We cannot be held responsible if any parts are broken during transformation." That's a lot, guys, I really appreciate your help. Get back to me about how you feel when you get a lemon, Eugimon. I'm thrilled that your toys are just fine.
  21. This is not about how good the 1/48 is. This is about me not supporting a company that takes my $100 and gives me a product that breaks immediately due to no fault of my own. If they replace the broken parts or the toy itself and make me happy with the Garland, then I will consider buying other products from them. Until such point I will not be buying more from them. What kind of glutton for punishment supports a company that sells them defective (or incredibly poorly designed) products? If you bought a car that stopped working the day you got it, would you just buy another car from the same company that your friends told you was more reliable?
  22. I found an email address on Yamato USA's website and emailed them about it politely. They told me thanks for bringing it to their attention and asked me to resend the photos, so we'll see what develops from there. If Yamato solves the problem by sending me shoulders or whatever I'll be fine with it, but no matter how good the 1/48 VF-1S is, they're not getting any more of my money unless they solve this problem with this toy.
  23. Guys, I absolutely refuse to give a company that has sold me such inferior product any more of my money until such point as they make things right. This is unacceptable.
  24. And here's some more dead Garland fun.
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