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Everything posted by Ginrai

  1. I don't mean to be a jerk, but the issue is not just a 40 year old woman voicing a 16 year old girl, but a non-native English speaker with a seriously thick accent.
  2. The Prelude comics are really incomprehensible if you didn't read the Sentinels comics or novels and even then don't connect directly to them. You will probably be more confused if you read them and then see the movie than if you just see the movie unless you are quite well versed in Robotech. Also you can steal a cbz collection of the comics off the Intertron in places...
  3. Uhm, so is it going to have new JAPANESE voice acting, new AMERICAN voice actor, both, what?
  4. So nobody actually knows?
  5. Once again, I completely disagree. My experiences with the Garland are actually worse than any experiences I had with Toynami, and the Garland was more expensive than the most expensive Toynami product, and had zero diecast. Both Yamato and Toynami have been perfectly happy to answer my emails and send me replacement product. Obviously Yamato is not going to deal with your import Valkyrie, but whatever. $100 for a Garland whose arm will break off if ever dare transform it is a better perceived value than an Alpha whose hand might break how exactly? It is the same thing. They are high priced collector's "toys" that have quality problems.
  6. That was just a bad Loreena Bobbit joke. Don't worry about it.
  7. Exo, I could say the exact same thing about Yamato. "Negativity towards Yamato for me is well justified as I've bought the products that I talk about. " Let's see, oh, the original YF-19, the VF-11, Escaflowne, the VF-0A, the Garland... blah blah blah. For the record, I have had two Toynami VF-1's (Hikaru 1J and Roy 1S) and with the exception of a slight paint smudge on the leg on the Roy, they were both fine. I was really happy with my 1J and kept it. No complaints there. I have like 6 SD VF-1's (no problems), I bought two of the convention exclusive Superposeable Hikaru Strike and one had a slight problem with its knee and the Strike cannon would not go down, my roommate bought the green Alpha and it is kind of a mess (broken hand, broken sensor pod panel), and doesn't fit that well together to begin with, then I got a 1/100 convention exclusive Hikaru VF-1S and it is just fine. So really, I don't see their track record as much different than Yamato's... Yamato just costs more for the most part. $15 for a Superposeable that isn't perfect is not a big deal, $100 for a Garland with an arm that breaks off despite handling it incredibly delicately blows. Granted, the Alpha was $80 new, but that's still less, so whatever. They're still both expensive, and Yamato and Toynami both have quality problems.
  8. Most of the Macross sound effects are part of a generic anime sound effects library that you can find used in a ton of 80's mecha shows including Gundam and such. I have a bunch of them labelled as Gundam SFX, but they were really generic...
  9. Well, this was back in 1996, so the Internet has changed a lot since then. Most of the places I heard about it probably no longer exist on the web. Maybe just fan misinformation from back then, but I'd like to hear something definitive one way or the other. All I can find on the Compendium is that it was a tragic death.
  10. Macek version of the SDF-3? Macek didn't do the mecha design for Sentinels, Tatsunoko's Ammonite sister studio, the same who did the designs for Southern Cross.
  11. I remember hearing back in the 90's that he died in a motorcycle accident or something, but now I read he committed suicide by jumping out of a window. Is that what actually happened? Did Hikaru's voice actor commit suicide?
  12. That was pretty much what everyone (including me) was posting when we got our Yamato Garlands.
  13. http://photos2.figures.com/gallery2/showgallery.php?cat=617
  14. This a reference to the Prelude to the Shadow Chronicles comic where Janice's original body is destroyed and she switches to a new body Dr. Lang and the Haydonites created.
  15. Has anyone in the bay area seen Classics Jetfire yet? I still haven't seen a single one and I haven't gotten desperate enough to pay an inflated price on ebay.
  16. Androgynous? The women in Shadow Chronicles all have gigantic breasts and incredibly wide hips and constant ass shots (like Maia leaning over her robot while Macrus and Alex check out her ass.) How could you possibly think they were manly? And I didn't think the men looked girly either?
  17. MACH looks like it could be fun, but I'm more interested in Afterburner...
  18. I have a DYRL shirt that I do not have a photograph of handy. It's Hikaru and Minmay hugging. It's similar to the DVD cover but not the same. Hikaru is in his blue uniform. It's that watercolored Mikimoto art.
  19. Yeah, it's not like Lumines or Loco Roco are PSP games. Neither are Exit or Mercury and Mercury Meltdown, or Killzone Liberation (which is not at all like the original Killzone). Forget Every Extra Extend. There are also plenty of good sequels to old game franchises that are NOT ports or remakes like Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops, Tales of Eternia, Wipeout Pure, the two GTA games, Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror, Ultimate Ghosts 'n Goblins, et cetera. There's a bunch of enhanced remakes or whatever like Megaman Powered Up, Tekken Dark Resurrection, et cetera, but come on, saying there are not good PSP games or that the only PSP games are ports is soooo 2005.
  20. "Successful" is not a word I would use to describe the Garland and its shoulders.
  21. There's a downgrader for 3.03 now...
  22. Bandai just made a Gold Lightan. And why are you spelling it "Rightan"? It's pretty obvious it's called Lightan, because it is a play on "lighter". LIGHTAN TRANSFORMS INTO A LIGHTER.
  23. My favorite part is how the robots from Mu have become the robots from Timmy.
  24. What are you talking about? It is way cheaper to have crappy CG robots than actually animate them. See: Macross Zero, Aquarion, Cadidate for Goddess, and basically every mecha show that has come out since 2000. They all have crappy CG robots. I really wish it was all hand drawn, but that is more expensive and everyone is going for cheap. Maybe Macross Zero's crappy CG robots are better than Shadow Chronicles' crappy CG robots, but they are still crappy CG robots. Don't try and delude yourselves into thinking this is something specific to Robotech when it is actually a horrible industry-wide trend.
  25. Man, I'm still really unhappy about the Garland. BAD YAMATO.
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