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Everything posted by Ginrai

  1. Yamato has STILL not bothered to reply to my emails about getting new shoulders for my Garland. Toynami replied within two days and I had the replacement cup for my 1/100 Valkyrie in a week's time.
  2. No prob. I wouldn't stress too much about seeding. Seems like there's plenty of people doing it. I started the download going right before I left for work and it was done by the time I got home that night.
  3. Just email Toynami and you will get replacements. I had mine within a week of email about it. Yamato still has not responded to my email last week about getting replacement shoulders for my Garland. By this time I already had my replacement socket from Toynami.
  4. Still no reply from Yamato.
  5. Uh, San Andreas had lots of real world landmarks despite being in fake GTA cities, like the Golden Gate Bridge and the Bay Bridge, the Luxor pyramid, et cetera.
  6. Exactly what great fan mecha designs are you talking about? Perhaps Japanese ones from doujinshi? Show me some decent original mecha designs by English speakers. And I don't think shitty drawers are anymore aware that they are shitty than shitty writers are. Art is art.
  7. You don't need to sign up for boxtorrents to get their torrents. Just browse and go back a few pages until you find it.
  8. This idea that somehow people who who draw are more important/better artists than writers is really insulting. Writing is just as much a valid art form as drawing. A quick glance at RPG oriented websites will show that most original mecha designs from fans are equally terrible as fan fiction stories.
  9. Jenius, I have had just as many problems with Yamato toys as with Toynami, and in fact more serious problems with Yamato than with Toynami, and Toynami is really quick to issue replacements. So I mean, the only company I'm truly happy with is Bandai, since I never NEED replacements on any of their stuff to begin with.
  10. I DID email them and they have not responded. I want those new improved shoulders! I emailed info@yamatotoysusa.com on March 22nd with zero reply so far, and then tried garner@yamatotoysusa.com yesterday and haven't gotten any reply there yet either.
  11. Yeah, unfortunately those Virtual On toys are total crap.
  12. The stand didn't break, the little ball joint did, which they also replaced without me having to mail them something (hi Yamato), and the second wave of 1/100's was not a year ago. As has just been posted, they are going to release the FAST packs later this year. I do not understand how your comment about the Cyclone and and releasing more variations of problematic toys are at all related, since the Cyclone is new.
  13. I thought the network play didn't work anymore? Can you guys really get it to play still?
  14. It's interesting that the doujinshi has weird versions of the Garland from Megazone 23 and the Motoslave from Bubblegum Crisis in it as well.
  15. I downloaded both. They are the same rip. Same source, same bitrate, same encoding, same resolution. The only difference is one rip has two seconds of tracking garbage that was cut out of the other one. No real difference. The advantage of the one on minonova is that it has extras. These extras originated from Elements of Protoculture DVD extras in the Robotech Legacy Collection (also in the Protoculture Collection). They are an animatic of the new ending animated for the movie, a crappy music video using only Southern Cross footage set to one of the songs from the movie, and a trailer for the movie, which is interesting, but only has footage from Southern Cross. Since Harmony Gold allowed the Megazone 23 license to lapse a long time ago and has no interest in renewing it, I assume the original trailer had Megazone 23 footage but it was replaced with generic Southern Cross crap. This is especially funny when the trailer is talking about adventures never seen on TV but it is just showing the same SC stuff that definitely was on TV. I don't know for sure, but I suspect the source for this rip is the bootleg Robotech The Movie DVD you see for sale on eBay from time to time. The quality is a lot better than the VHS copy I have (this one is probably a first generation dub if not ripped directly from VHS), and looks pretty good. The bad thing is that the entire movie has this stupid "FOR VIEWING PURPOSES ONLY" subtitle on it. Really irritating, and my VHS dub does not have that.
  16. Alright, no one has responded at the info@yamatotoys.com address, so I will try Garner directly I guess.
  17. Yeah, it's not like they released a bunch of 1/100 Valkyries are pretty cool, and it's not like they are releasing a Cyclone. Toynami doesn't make toys at all, in fact!
  18. Just cut out the mms part and put broadcast.chara-ani.com/kissdum/Kissdum_PV_L.wmv into your browser and it works fine.
  19. Torchwood is pretty horrible, so I would not expect it to come over here any time soon...
  20. This is super awesome. Wish I could help translate, but alas...
  21. Marcus' role (and a couple of others, including the Regess IIRC) was recast after the movie was completed, so that's your problem there.
  22. So when I saw Scream Man's post yesterday I emailed Yamato, but they have not emailed back. Should I wait until Monday and then email Garner directly?
  23. Where did Kawamori ever say the American audience had anything to do with Max and Miria being in Macross 7? Is there an interview somewhere or did you just make that up?
  24. Hi folks. I have been slowly compiling material on Megazone 23 for years since I want to revive my old website about the OVA series and make it truly comprehensive. I've tracked down every book I could find about it, but I'd like to check and see if any of you know of any books I don't have, and any magazines with info would be great, too, since I think I only have one magazine with mz23 stuff in it. Here's the list of what I have: B-Club Special: Megazone 23 (Bandai, 2000 yen) J-Anime: Megazone 23 (Kindaieiga-sha, 980 yen) J-Anime: Megazone 23 Part II - The Official Art of Megazone 23 (Kindaieiga-sha, 1200 yen) Best Hit Series: Megazone 23 Graffiti (Akita, 850 yen) B-Club Special: Artmic Design Works (Bandai, 1800 yen) Megazone 23 Special Present Settei (Idol/Artmic, 1000 yen Megazone 23 Special Present Settai 0 (Idol/Artmic, 1000 yen) Megazone 23 Movie Program (Idol/Artmic, 400 yen) Megazone 23 Part II Movie Program (Idol/Artmic, 400 yen) Megazone 23 Film Manga 1 (Shogakukan, 980 yen) Megazone 23 Film Manga 2 (Shogakukan, 980 yen) Megazone 23 Part II Film Manga 1 (Shogakukan, 980 yen) Megazone 23 Part II Film Manga 2 (Shogakukan, 980 yen) Entertainment Bible .16: Artmic 1 (Bandai, 850 yen) Entertainment Bible .19: Artmic 2 (Bandai, 850 yen) SF Action Anime Megazone 23 Novel (X? and Idol/Artmic?, 400 yen) Best Hit Series: Megazone 23 Post Card Book (Akita, 380 yen) New Video Magazone 10 October 1989 (?, 500 yen) Robotech Art 3: The Sentinels (Donning/Starblaze, $12.95) Robotech: The Movie Issue 1 (Academy, $2.95) Roboetch: The Movie Issue 2 (Academy, $2.95) And although it hasn't gotten here yet, I just bought this: Lark Mechanical Manual Vol. 1: Official Art of Megazone 23 So does anyone else know of any Megazone 23 books or magazines with Megazone 23 stuff in them? Any can anyone help me translate the publisher's information for the Megazone 23 novel and the New Video Magazine? I cannot read kanji. Thanks for any help!
  25. It's perfectly possible the low earth population is a result of everyone being off in colonies god knows where, or on fleets out hunting remaining, uncultured Zentradi, for that matter, to follow DYRL's lead.
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