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Everything posted by Ginrai

  1. I have argued this before and I will argue it again: Mylene is the main character of Macross 7. She is the character that is new to all the weirdness, she is the one people explain things to, she is the audience avatar, she is the character that it is easy to relate to, especially if you are 15 or whatever as the show's intended audience was. She is the one the love triangle focuses on. Basara is kind of in the position of Roy combined with Misa. He is the older, more skilled pilot who is kind of a mentor, but he is also a somewhat cold, driven, and emotionally detached love interest. Yes, he is the popular singer like Minmay, but his personality is way more like Misa.
  2. That is a gross over simplification. There's also matters of skill and more importantly time and budget.
  3. Mylene is half-Zentradi. (And for that matter Veffidas is fully Zentradi.)
  4. Macross 7 had one. Her name was Mylene.
  5. I am clearly going to be calling this Double Oh Nothing.
  6. Jazzy Jeff never went to Hollywood? What about all the years he was on The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air?
  7. Omega Man is directly based on I Am Legend, which is why I mentioned Heston, as is the Vincent Price movie Last Man on Earth, which is why we mentioned those names.
  8. Actually I have seen The Pursuit of Happiness and thought it was HORRIBLE. You can read my review here if you like: http://www.masterforce.org/
  9. I never said Chuck Heston = good actor, I said Chuck Heston > Will Smith, who is also a one trick pony, and his trick is way more shrill. "Awwww hell nah!" <punches someone>
  10. Chuck Heston also > Will Smith
  11. Update: The song is apparently actually from Styles of Beyond, featuring Mike Shinoda of Linkin Park. CLOSE ENOUGH.
  12. Alright, then who is it? Because it is not Mute Math, that is for sure. From Mute Math's myspace blog: "Mute Math have recorded the original Transformers theme for the forthcoming movie and soundtrack to be released 7.3.07. There are other versions of the theme available online with our name incorrectly listed as the performing artist, so to help clear up any confusion, we've added a brief sample of our version here on Myspace, hope you enjoy!" Also you can download the whole Mute Math version from: http://www.plunder.com/Transformers-movie-...nload-65518.htm
  13. The previously linked song is definitely Linkin Park, just listen to it and some Linkin Park songs. As you can see from the Mutemath version on myspace and the three other Mutemath songs there they are DEFINITELY not by the same band. Come on, the first version is by Linkin Park, they are even on the soundtrack album. They probably just had several different versions of the theme and just picked one later on to be the official song. They are both comically bad. The Mutemath version sounds like how Sting would cover the TF theme song.
  14. I didn't realize you spoke for Japan. Thanks for enlightening us.
  15. OH MAN. TRANSFORMERS MOVIE THEME SONG. BY LINKIN PARK. http://www.sectorseven.org/OHD2/deceptibot/theme.zip I AM. LAUGHING. SO. HARD.
  16. Obviously you didn't watch Earth Girl Arjuna or any of the other random vaugely explained "OMG HUMANS NEED TO DIE THEY POLLUTE TEH EARTH" unsubtle preachy Captain Planet stuff he has been putting out in the last ten years or so. And then there's Spring and Chaos, omg it's a biopic about a writer, but everyone is anthropomorphic animals for no reason, or would you enjoy some mediocre mecha shows with vauge spiritual crap and CG robots that clash badly with 2D environments and characters? Because he's got you covered there, too. I don't think Kawamori has done anything good where he was the sole director. Even Macross Plus was co-directed by Shinichiro Watanabe, the director of Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo.
  17. This is super geeky, but if you read Weapon X by Barry Windsor-Smith you will see that the claws actually do come out of his skins, they just physically added little metal terminals the keep the skin apart later.
  18. The 25 is obviously just a placeholder name because it is the 25th anniversary. Don't be silly.
  19. Huh? That is not an opinion, that is a question.
  20. Please let someone besides Kawamori direct it, please please. I would be really happy with Watanabe doing it! Come on!
  21. Yeah, how dare they make toys for children.
  22. They have the English tankobans at Nikkaku in San Jose's Japantown if anyone's desperate.
  23. Those are ALL bootlegs. The really obvious thing is the bottom right corner has an anime face instead of the Bandai logo.
  24. I wanted to buy some Dirty Pair and Prefectural Earth Defense Force as well as Birth, but whenever I could click checkout the retarded store would only acknowledge Birth and not the other two, so I got pissed off, gave up, and spent $30 on old VHS tapes at Rasputin instead.
  25. I didn't say it was FROM that book, I said it was ALSO in that book.
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