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Everything posted by Ginrai

  1. Even if it wasn't, they talk about it all the time in the opening to episodes of Macross 7.
  2. Artmic went out of business a loooong time ago. What did you expect? Also the only thing Mikimoto ever did in Megazone was design Eve.
  3. Oh, I was just waiting for you to come in and be a jerk and it seems I was not disappointed. I did not watch the opening animation with a magnifying glass frame by frame clearly, and you know what? Even without the blades on it, that still looks like a damn helicoptor to me. Stop being such a pompous jerk. We gave Southern Cross a positive review and you get all up in our faces about it? Go away. P.S. Nice Robotech screen capture.
  4. Oh sure, which is why there are way more toys for SDF Macross and Macross DYRL (and I am talking toys from the 80's). Macross 7 had what, four Valkyries?
  5. Cool, glad you liked the podcast! Rightstuf has the DVD set for $25: http://www.rightstuf.com/cgi-bin/catalogmg...tem/60631/4/0/0 or I imagine you can get for cheap on ebay or something. We do a podcast once a week (at least), but I'm always a bit afraid to post links to random shows we are reviewing for fear of being off topic.
  6. Thanks for the compliments! We read all the staff interviews and crap that we could find for Southern Cross and tried to study it critically, ignoring Robotech as much as possible. Mospeada is definitely coming this week. We are going to do all the Macross shows eventually, but have not started yet, mostly because we don't want to drown the podcast with similar material every week for months. I'm planning to do SDF Macross TV in an about a month, followed by Orguss, but we'll have to see if we can sychronize our schedules on it. For other people's shows, I strongly recommend Anime World Order (http://www.animeworldorder.com) as another anime podcast. They are way more knowledgable than us and review kinds of shows we would never touch as well as shows we do. They even reviewed Macross DYRL a few months back. I also like Dave and Joel's Fast Karate for the Gentleman (http://www.daveandjoel.com). They are very casual and funny and while not super knowledgable, bring a light, humorous air. They frequently review terrible shows and make fun of them.
  7. I remember that show airing briefly on network TV, getting cancelled immediately, and sucking.
  8. Yeah, I definitely feel like Southern Cross is kind of an interesting failure. I think it could have been a great show if it didn't have so many production difficulties. I think the Zor are definitely underdeveloped, but on the other hand, the main good guys are surprisingly well developed. We were learning more and more about the Zor as the show went on (it's always good to make your villains mysterious at first and reveal more as time goes on), but the way the show was cut back really undermined their efforts. I am giving Southern Cross a lot of bonus points for trying different, risky things. Like I say, the hovertanks and helicoptors are pretty unique designs. They are not tried and true and are pretty weird, but the armor I think is the real centerpiece of the mecha design, which is probably something that most people do not focus on. I think our goal was to get people to reexamine Southern Cross from a different perspective, not as a part of Robotech (where it is a huge incoherent mess), and not as a Macross-style mecha show, because it is really pretty different. As for Mospeada, the reason we didn't go into that too much is we have a Mospeada podcast coming soon (next week if I can pull it off). I can tell you right now, our biggest problems with Mospeada are how episodic the series is (it does not have much of an ongoing plot... they just sort of toss one together at the very end) and shallow characterization. The creepy old dudes character design for the bad guys is kind of weird and nowhere near as menacing as the Inbit from Mospeada, I agree, but I am fascinated by the trinities. Robotech totally obscures that theme and just says, "Oh, there are three of them because they are clones" and ignores the way Jeanne, Lana, and Marie are their own sort of trinity (Dana, Nova, and Marie I guess.)
  9. Okay, $500 now, huh? Now it's only 250 dollars too much.
  10. I asked the same question and he said they got DYRL merchandising rights specifically from Tatsunoko.
  11. Hey folks. I have a podcast where we talk about anime and other such things. This week we reviewed The Super Dimension Cavalry Southern Cross. No, not Robotech: Masters, but the original Japanese version. I'd be obliged if you'd check it out and give feedback. http://www.destroyallpodcastsdx.com
  12. HG got a DYRL toy license from Tatsunoko a few years ago and all the Macross stuff since then has been Macross, starting with the Superposeables. My Super Poseable VF-1S Strike Hikaru is Macross, my 1/100 VF-1S Hikaru is Macross... this is nothing new.
  13. And he's totally right, too.
  14. I do not think that word means what you think it means. jaun·ty (jôn'tē, jän'-) Pronunciation Key adj. jaun·ti·er, jaun·ti·est Having a buoyant or self-confident air; brisk. Crisp and dapper in appearance; natty. I totally want a dapper, debonair transforming robot!
  15. I also met Alan Letz, he was just a soulless corporate type. I really did not like him, he was not a fan at all, he was just a businessman. I mean, I don't have any ill will towards him. He was just this business guy, and you could tell this was all business to him, not pleasure. Totally different than Tommy Yune and Tom Bateman.
  16. Khyron Prime is an apeface who is always starting poo on forums, blogs, and at conventions. Whenever anyone mentions anything related to Robotech he is there to be a dick to everyone. I am not surprised by this behavior, and whatever you may think of Tommy Yune's work, he is a seriously nice guy and very knowledgable about 80's mecha anime and was super cool to me both times I met him. Tom Bateman was the fan who organized Robotech 10 and later became an actual member of HG working on Robotech. I also met him at one con and he was a good guy, too, hanging out in the bar after the con had basically shut down and chatting about Gundam, because he is a huge Gundam fan. Also a good guy regardless of what you think of Harmony Gold's work or policies. I don't know why he left the company or anything, but I doubt it is somehow a sign that Harmony Gold is in trouble. Bateman was part of the Robotech thinktank group that came up with idea for the movie, and Ford Riely wrote it. Even if he is a nice guy, they can still make more Robotech just fine without him. I don't understand where the conspiracy theory comes from, but one guy left the company and "OMG HG IS GOING BANKRUPTZ LOLZ"? C'mon.
  17. Yeah, because there's nothing kids hate more than cartoons.
  18. Hey guys, would you please take this license debate to the license debate thread and keep on topic here?
  19. Huh? Continuity? DYRL does not have continuity with the SDF Macross TV show.
  20. What? Rei is a blank slate, flopping around with no personality. Misa has a super hard time relating to anyone, feels distanced by her job and her drive to succeed. The only one she really relates to is Claudia. She has a superficial relationship with the bridge bunnies, but she doesn't open up to them, hell, they are always gossipping about her love life. How supportive. It takes alcohol to get her loosen enough to even open up to Hikaru a bit, and this is like 30 episodes into the show. She won't tell anyone about her issues over Riber. Of course she is driven and emotionally detached.
  21. Oh, really? I guess I need to re-watch those first few episodes, but I didn't remember Gamlin showing up until Miria tried to hook him and Mylene up. My mistake. And Radd, I completely agree with you. That's exactly what I was trying to say.
  22. Did you even read what I said? Basara has a similar role in Macross 7 to the one Misa has in Macross: Cold, distant love interest.
  23. Well kind of, but he is definitely not the protagonist. He doesn't even show up until several episodes into the series. I don't think Hikaru was quite as stick in the mud as Gamlin, but Gamlin is obviously a lot closer than Basara. I think a lot of people don't like Macross 7 because they think Basara is the main character and he is super difficult to relate to because he is aloof and somewhat arrogant, basically space John Lennon. The truth is Mylene has huge problems with Basara and his attitude so I don't understand why people who have the same problems with Basara aren't relating to her. My theory is that since she is a girl, people automatically discount her. Who is the one kicking ass in the VF-1J? Yeah, that would be Mylene, not Basara, not Gamlin.
  24. In the original story they are basically vampires, not zombies.
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