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Everything posted by Ginrai

  1. The original show inconsistently spells several names on screen. We see "Minmei" written on her door with the bunny at her aunt's house, and "Minmay" written on a concert poster. This doesn't really prove anything.
  2. The official Robotech spelling is Miriya, with a "y". Miria is just as legitimate a spelling as Milia or Millia. There is no definitive way to romanize. There are several systems for romanization, none of which is universally accepted, and L and R are never perfectly clear. You just try to figure out what they meant as best as possible. If it's something like, "Lock and loll!", you can tell they meant "Rock and roll!", but with a name like Miria or Millia or whatever, there's no definitive answer.
  3. Hikaru is 16 years old. Of COURSE he is inexperienced with women.
  4. Nope. The original Convoy reissue from oh, 2000 or 2001 or whatever? That was the small gun.
  5. Yeah, the game is pretty atrocious, I have to say.
  6. Considering Kawamori has been at American conventions and has been interviewed by American publications like Animerica, I'm pretty sure he understands that there is interested in Macross outside of Japan.
  7. Basara is a rock star. Rock stars don't love the hos.
  9. The only thing that bugged me was that they didn't really resolve the love triangle.
  10. The biggest issue to watch out for is probably the guns. Not all guns fit in all hands. Sometimes there are issues with matching backs, but usually the arms are alright.
  11. Terry, you are wrong. We have reviewed several compilation movies (Brain 17 the Daitetsujin 17 movie, the two Ideon movies, the Yamato compilation movie, Shadow World the Dia Apolon movie, Space Warriors/Battle for Earth Station S/1 the Baldios movie) and spoken at length about how nonsensical and disjointed they are due to the slapdash nature of the editing. We weren't treating it as a theatrical feature film, we were treating it as another goofy anime compilation movie, which is a regular topic of review on our podcast. I love compilation movies and if you don't want to hear about them, go listen to a podcast that refuses to review them.
  12. It's only on the Elements of Robotech Bonus DVD, which is why that's the image I used for the podcast. I mean, there's some old video tapes, but why bother? Once again, we reviewed this for thoroughness' sake. Coming soon is our review of Robotech II: The Sentinels. Could you please point out what is a nitpick and what is a valid criticism? And I guess from now on we will only review things that are super good and hard to make fun of! Another reason for reviewing this is I am fascinated by compilation movies, which is why we have done so many of them.
  13. How would you have us review this? It's very difficult to go in depth on a film that has no depth. We talked about the reason it was created, and we talked about its flaws. Are we to heap praise on what you admit is a glorified special effects reel, most of wihch is pretty unimpressive since they use a lot of footage from poorly done Anime Friend episodes? One of the stated goals of our podcast has been to review every Macross movie, TV series, or OAV series, and we are going to do all the Robotech movies as well. I'm not sure what would have pleased you if we are not at allowed to talk about Codename Robotech's flaws and it doesn't really have any poisitives. There's little to recommend it, especially when it is so badly presented by a completely botched DVD transfer. Sorry if folks are not enjoying our podcasts lately as much as our old ones. If you have specific complaints I'd love to hear them. Feedback is very important to us.
  14. What's your point? We were clearly aware of what Codename Robotech was and made several references to it. The fact is it is still retarded and boring and we are well within our right to tell people that it is retarded and boring. And the way people react to Minmay's age is ridiculous regardless of which version you are watching, but in Codename Robotech, you don't have any of the character development or the knowledge that Hikaru is himself only 16 when she is 15. What the hell did you think we expected from it, considering we labelled it part one of our Robotech Trilogy of Pain? We expected pain! And we got it! The POINT of criticism is to be nitpicky and deconstruct the product in question! It's not like we could pick apart the themes and motivations of the characters, because there AREN'T ANY. The way Codename Robotech edits Macross you do not get any of its anti-war sentiment, you do not get any of its love triangle, et cetera. Codename Robotech removes almost everything that is good about Macross except for the transforming robots. Your basic argument is that Codename Robotech is above criticism and that argument is totally insane. Nothing is above criticism, least of all a poorly done compilation movie barfing all over one of our favorite shows. It's also especially worth reviewing because ADV did such a pisspoor transfer on the DVD and consumers have the right to know this.
  15. In this week's episode of Destroy All Podcasts DX, we review the first part of our Robotech Trilogy of Pain, the "exciting" compilation movie, Codename Robotech. Yes, it's a compilation movie made from Robotech made from Macross. And it sucks. Hard. www.destroyallpodcastsdx.com
  16. Also, for the record, you see the spelling "Minmei" written on her door in the TV show (the bunny head) and "Minmay" on concert posters.
  17. I have it and it is a little taller than a DVD case. It's slightly taller than the old huge PlayStation 1 or Saturn boxes.
  18. Mylene grows a lot in Macross 7.
  19. ... but it does have to do with anime about guys with startling fashion senses punching each other *really* hard. Hop on over to www.destroyallpodcastsdx.com for our latest podcast. As usual, feedback is super appreciated.
  20. If you hop over to http://www.destroyallpodcastsdx.com, you will see our latest podcast is not a review. Instead, it is a full voice commentary track for the entire movie of DYRL. If you are familiar with Mike Nelson's Rifftrax, you will understand the technology. Basically, just stick your DVD in, hit play on the MP3, and when the MP3 tells you to hit play on the DVD, hit play on the DVD. Chances are very good this will go slightly out of synch at certain points. Sorry. It's really difficult to get it perfect. If that happens, just pause for a second or two and then unpause. We hope you enjoy it!
  21. Yeah, no more shows like SDF Macross! Wait... what?
  22. THEN WE FEEL THE INFO HIGH Look at us go. We podcasted on yet another Macross show. Our commitment to reviewing all the Macross shows continues. www.destroyallpodcastsdx.com
  23. Picture looks fine to me. Way better than the HK bootreg, looks better than AnimEigo Macross, but I assume the masters were kept in better shape.
  24. Yeah, or fighting Misa!
  25. Maybe you've forgotten how many Valkyries Hikaru destroyed or nearly destroyed.
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