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Everything posted by Ginrai

  1. Nothing more trustworthy than "multiple macross fans"!
  2. Wow thanks! Glad you liked the podcast!
  3. Oh please. Why would they specifically go, "Hey, here's the past!" and show G1 and then go on and on about how Ratchet was a veteran of the Great Wars, which BW already established was G1. They would've donel like Armada and made new footage that showed events similar to G1 but different. They used actual G1 footage! Come on, what are we supposed to think? Obviously they intended to make us think it was a continuation of G1.
  4. Finished watched the whole special. TF Animated is a huge improvement over the really crappy last three shows (Armada, Energon, and Cybertron). Good riddance to crappy lazy anime style with really poor CG robots. I like the abstract expressionist-inspired visuals. It moves really well and the action is fun and well-realized with good fight choreography. Story is a bit thin, but it's clearly a light-hearted children's show, but what's wrong with that? It's a cartoon. It's for children. I'm hoping for a little more meat in the story department as it goes on, but it looks nice, the characters are likeable, and I'm pleasantly surprised by the direct connections to G1, with actual footage from G1 and continuity. Seems like Optimus Prime is more like a job description than a name, or maybe it's like how there's plenty of people named John? Cool that Ratchet is an old, bitter version of G1 Ratchet. I enjoyed it. And Sari isn't annoying me, either. Also it's weird that this takes place in Detroit. While I haven't lived there in ten years, I'm from Michigan and pretty much anyone who has been to Detroit can tell you it would take a bit of a miracle to turn that city around... P.S. Who noticed Spike, Daniel, and Carly making a cameo?
  5. Max? Humble? The guy who is talking about how maybe he'll go from private to general in one battle or whatever that line is? Max is cocky.
  6. Her name is probably Sari, genius.
  7. Just listen to the "I want more life" line in the international cut it clearly says "f-er" and it's clearly father in the director's cut/final cut. Maybe Hauer was making it a little ambiguous, but come on, it's a very obvious difference.
  8. For our Christmas episode of Destroy All Podcasts DX, we have reviewed the original SDF Macross TV series. Hop on over to www.destroyallpodcastsdx.com for our special extra long episode.
  9. What? Robotech never says that. Robotech exclusively spells it Lynn Minmei and ignores the Minmay spelling.
  10. I still never got my God of War demo. Thanks, Sony.
  11. I didn't want to go into too much detail on Megazone 23 because we are going to review that at some future date so no point in spoiling all of that now. We were talking about Robotech, not Megazone. And that awful, "May the force be with you, sucker!" line is only in the lame comic book adaptation that came out like ten years later, sooo...
  12. It's in DVD format, high quality, 867 megs.
  13. I have a rip of the ending from the LD, but be warned, it does not include the dialogue, has silly Japanese narration explaining what the hell this is, and has Japanese subtitles. Got anywhere for me to dump the file? An FTP site or something? And yes, this is definitely the Robotech The Movie ending, which totally SUCKS and completely ruins the cool downbeat ending of Megazone 23 Part One. It is not at ALL a shame that Part 2 of Megazone 23 didn't turn out like Robotech The Movie. Yuck.
  14. Here's the final entry in our Robotech Trilogy of Pain, Robotech The Movie: The Untold Story! That's right! This is what happens with the dopey production company Cannon Films, best known for schlock like Death Wish II, Jean Claude Van Damme's Cyborg, and Superman IV (the one where he tries to take away all the nuclear weapons so everyone will be at peace forever) teams up with Carl Macek to mutilate Megazone 23 in grotesque and unusual ways! Hop on over to http://www.destroyallpodcastsdx.com for an earful of "THE FUUUUUUUUUUUUTURE IS NOW!" It's 80's-licious!
  15. Hasbro and Kenner are the same company, and I've had several defective Transformers over the years and they were always good about sending me replacements.
  16. Did you see the part where I said BLATANT? This is not a brief shower scene or something, this is a character dancing around in bondage gear. This looks like Sorcerer Hunters. If the characters prance around like this all the time I'm a little concerned. A lot of lame anime these days tries to get by on fan service without bothering with things like characters or decent animation.
  17. Greeeeat. Just what Macross needed: blatant fan service. Please don't be like Godannar, please don't be like Godannar, please don't be like Godannar...
  18. Untold Story makes my head hurt. Hopefully you will not hate us forever after you hear what we said!
  19. I can't remember if we specifically made fun of the "use your flaps to create more drag!" line... I think we were too busy laughing at how it looks like Max's Legioss is doing Karen's doggystyle.
  20. Glad you enjoyed it! We'll probably take a week off of Robotech and then come back with Robotech The Movie the week after next. Glad you're liking it!
  21. A) Thanks for making this thread creepy, guys. B) When did anyone EVER bother to learn to pronounce foreign words correctly? It's not like Japanese people can pronounce western words correctly.
  22. The best thing about the Sentinels is alien space slug marital strife. http://www.destroyallpodcastsdx.com
  23. Visual novel with simple grid combat would be a better description.
  24. There is a way to "dual boot", which is to use devhook, but devhook does not support playing ripped PS1 games anyway, so you are pretty much stuck with custom firmware if you want that.
  25. You need to hack your PSP, put on custom firmware, rip the PlayStation game and convert it with Popstation if you intended do that.
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