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Everything posted by Ginrai

  1. Well, there's always CODENAME ROBOTECH!
  2. Holy crap.
  3. Yeah, the Euro Clash is the same thing as the American Spacefortress Macross/Super Space Fortress Macross or whatever other variations there are on that.
  4. Well, there's incorrect stuff creeping through and there's also stupid fanisms that tend to creep through because fans all mutually agree something is true even if it's not, which is a bigger concern I think. Policing a wiki is a lot more work than Egan may realize, but in any cases, there's no way it can be official anymore if it's fan created content even if Egan fact checks everything.
  5. Okay I think feedback@destroyallpodcastsdx.com is working again. Sorry about the downtime.
  6. I also really like, "A MAN AND A WOMAN! A MAN AND A WOMAN!" And of course, Britai's explanation of a joke. "It means I do not mean it."
  7. M3 is pretty much a trainwreck.
  8. The downside is that this means this is not a reliable source of information or remotely official since anyone can put anything into it.
  9. Can you have both Legioss and Tread in robot mode at once?
  10. I like Beautiful Dreamer and Ghost in the Shell and Patlabor, but I hate Dallos and Stray Dogs and some of his other works. It's definitely hit and miss.
  11. God I'm so glad people agree with me about Oshii. Everyone acts like he's some unassailable genius. I think he's capable of some really beautiful filmmaking, but he's also capable of boring me to sleep. He needs an editor or a producer or someone like that with a firm hand to control him. When he works with someone else who keeps him from doing things like that, the works are brilliant. See: Patlabor, Jin-Roh, et cetera. The difference between Jin-Roh (riveting) and Stray Dog (incredibly boring) is amazing. Even so, maybe this will be one of the good ones.
  12. I know this is super nerdy, but remember that the Garland uses the Hargun's shield and weapon in the OAV.
  13. Still nothing. Hmm. I wonder if it's broken.
  14. Hmm, I do not see any email here from you. You emailed feedback@destroyallpodcastsdx.com?
  15. Really? The most recent email I see in the inbox is March 22nd.
  16. I'm Jeremy, and we've been getting almost no feedback since the contest ended outside of the couple of posts we get on the blog or if we do something Macross and post it here. Which reminds me, I need to finally post the results of that contest. But seriously, no one has emailed us in months and months.
  17. Or more importantly, the direction Tetsuro Amino took. And the Maltrandi fleet episode is totally jokey and silly.
  18. After we do The Galaxy Is Calling Me... in a bit.
  19. Oh pfft, Macross gets special treatment.
  20. I'm also usually too busy to watch a whole TV series.
  21. There's not a lot of point of reviewing a series every other podcast has already reviewed.
  22. Mylene is a rock star too. Why do you think she has Gamlin AND Basara and probably other people too sooner or later? That's why the love triangle isn't resolved... why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free, baby?
  23. I think people have difficulty viewing Macross 7 for what it is, instead of what they expect it to be.
  24. Thanks.
  25. Well, sex is so available for him, he doesn't bother with it unless he has met his musical goals for the day, duh.
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