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Everything posted by Ginrai

  1. Thanks! The second image is what I was talking about!
  2. Nope, it's a different horse. If I remember I'll get a screen cap of it off the DVD.
  3. The Sentinels DVD has pictures of a different horse that I hadn't seen before and isn't in the comics that looks REALLY cool. It has a giant chariot thing that I think it combines with that is way cooler than the flying horse.
  4. The horses for sure!
  5. I'm glad you like our show! Yeah, I am not objective and I don't mind. I'm highly opinionated and loud. And yes, it does take a lot more time than you might realize to do a podcast. That's why so many podcasts start and then die within ten episodes. People begin to realize how much work it takes. If you keep going, you come up with ways to make it easier, like recording episodes in advance (I probably have at least ten episodes already recorded just waiting for me to edit, more if you count STs, which are easy to edit filler). Doing it regularly is hard and if you are not consistent or mostly consistent (I've been a day late a few times, oops) no one will listen. If you wanted us to produce specials for MW with some help from other MW members maybe that would be a good way to hit both things? Obviously there's no way to represent MW's collective opinion, because the constant fighting we have certainly proves there is no consistent opinion, but we could have a podcast with other MW people sometimes, when a big thing happens like you mention, that could be fun. If there's anyone local to Andrew or I, we could probably use our equipment directly and improve sound quality a lot. What do you guys think?
  6. Yeah, that's exactly my problem with MAHQ and to a large degree Gundamn! as well. They don't really have opinions.
  7. I would loooove to see the Lensman TV series. The movie is dopey but energetic and fun.
  8. It was armor and ROBOT HORSES. ROBOT HORSES!
  9. Yeah, it's copied from the model kit. I don't remember the sale price exactly as this was years ago, but I want to say it was around 50 bucks.
  10. I'm sure the manufacturer is just some fly by night Hong Kong company or something.
  11. Try The Sand Wars books by Charles Ingrid. All of them have been collected into two omnibus volumes. http://www.powells.com/biblio?isbn=9780886779726
  12. There's interviews with the creators of Southern Cross in the DVD booklet and you can tell they were excited and trying something new and this was going to a big showcase for Tatsunoko's in-house team. I do like Southern Cross quite a bit. It's a lot more interesting when not Robotech-ized. I think if it hadn't been rushed to completion it could have really ended on a high note. Oh, and here's that bootleg toy. I am still mad I did not win this auction on ebay.
  13. Well, I think Southern Cross is an interesting failure. Some novel ideas, but everything didn't really gel and it was yanked just when it was starting to get somewhere. Probably a little too much time spent on characters and not enough on action, too.
  14. By "us" I meant Andrew and I, not the whole of Macross World.
  15. I have a copy saved to my HD if nothing else. Now, remembering to find it when I get home will be the real challenge since I mostly just go home to sleep.
  16. I tried to listen to Gundamn!'s 5 or 6 episode chunk reviews of Gundam 00 and it was also really, really hard to listen to. I just think it's way too much detail and ends up being mostly plot summary. Unless you are dissecting minor animation flaws, there's usually not enough to sustain a proper discussion for. If it's like a 3 or 4 minute little blurb instead of a proper review, I think it'd be okay, but I don't think it really works if you go for much longer.
  17. We almost did a week by week review of Macross F (actually recorded the one for the first episode), but I listened to other podcasts that do week by week episode reviews for Bleach and stuff and it just gets really inane and repetative after a while. I think a big overall review works a lot better because you can dig into the meat and themes much more effectively. Also it's a bit late for a week to week for Macross F. As for Bendo: http://www.talkshoe.com/talkshoe/web/talkC...amp;pageSize=15 You want: 02/02/2008 11:30 PM EST 1:00:03 responts to dx destroy all pod cast review part 1 "C" 02/02/2008 11:15 PM EST 1:01:52 responts to dx destroy all pod cast review part 1 "B" 02/02/2008 11:00 PM EST 1:00:23 responts to dx destroy all pod cast review part 1 "A" Yeah. That's right. "responts". This is a reaction to our review of SDF Macross from Christmas, mostly little out of context quotes and followed by him calling us "fags".
  18. Remember that Hovercycle is from the Women of Robotech subline aimed at girls. Of course it is not full of technical information. It was about how Lisa, Dana, and Minmei were pretty pretty princesses and you can do their hair and make them hang out with their fabulous boyfriends and drive around in fabulous vehicles like the Hovercycle or Fanjet!
  19. Like I said before, there were Southern Cross bootleg toys that were just the model kits already built and poorly, so maybe you saw those.
  20. Maybe if I didn't already have a podcast where we talk about Macross all the time I'd want to be part of one. But yes, those Robotech podcasts are all pretty awful. Doug Bendo even did a three hour podcast about how bad we supposedly are, all the while saying totally racist, homophobic things.
  21. Hey, did you guys listen to Anime World Order's interview with Ishiguro Noboru, director of the original Macross and co-director of DYRL? It is good stuff. Also, I contributed questions. http://www.animeworldorder.com
  22. I pretty much hate anime about anime fans. I know anime fans. I don't need to watch anime about them.
  23. There's a bootleg which is just the Lana model pre-constructed poorly if that helps.
  24. While he is missed, I am glad to finally have a definative answer. Thank you very much!
  25. You thought the going shopping for a wedding dress scene was funny?
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