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Everything posted by Ginrai

  1. Guys, seriously. Just writing QFT or FTW or whatever is ANNOYING. I'm am all down for people telling them to stop that.
  2. So we have a new edition of Destroy All Podcasts DX that you may find releveant to your interests. Since it's about robots. http://www.destroyallpodcastsdx.com GOD DO I EVER HATE QUESS.
  3. Normal for the Takatoku 1J, man.
  4. Well I preordered the Super Max and Super Hikaru from Valkyrie Exchange.
  5. Well, I mean, I'm in SF already. I'm used to earthquakes. As for the Los Feliz/Atwater thing... that actually sounds like my bag. I really like being around other people and like I said, when I hung out there I didn't have a problem with it. Low rent and such also sounds good. I'm sure the rent scale is not far from San Francisco's. I mean, they are both expensive as hell. Most of the bad stuff I am already used to I think.
  6. http://www.toyarchive.com/Transformers/ToysJetfireMIB.html You can see the seahorse in the bottom right corner here okay. Here's a couple of more: http://www.seibertron.com/images/toys/file..._jetfire014.jpg and http://www.seibertron.com/images/toys/file..._jetfire015.jpg
  7. I dunno. I never actually had the Dorvack toys except for a super battered Whirl that came with an ebay lot once.
  8. You're right. I love to argue! Well, anyway Jetfire came out before the Robotech deal was all setup is why it was okay I assume.
  9. There's actually a Broadcom building literally right next door to where I work now! I will check it out. Thanks! (Hopefully it's not bad like working at Electronic Arts was. Yuck.)
  10. Oh by the way, I've got about 5 years experience doing QA (both software and hardware), worked in video games (QA, as well as some game design, creative writing, et cetera) but for the last 6 months or so I've been doing tech support stuff. Still only level 1, but I'm moving up fast and if I stuck it out I am confident I could get l2 by the end of the year, but we'll see. I'm not married to tech at all, but it's been a reliable source of income and I'm good at it even if I am way more into writing.
  11. That does sound pretty nice. Being in the artsy place that's in the process of gentrification and being near to the clubs and stuff sounds pretty good. Yeah, I for sure don't want to be in a suburban area. So what parts of north Hollywood are good? Or should I just wander around and figure it out? Haha.
  12. What part of Hollywood? The north? And I'm okay with a little drama, I just don't want to be living in the equivalent of Detroit (ugh do not want to go back) or east Oakland or Hunter's Point/Bayshore/The Tenderloin if you are familiar with San Francisco.
  13. That does kind of suck, but I spent a summer in Stockton, where all of the pollution from the bay area gets blown to and settles. It was pretty gross but not intolerable. Interestingly, my allergies are pretty bad in the bay area but a lot better in LA and the summer I spent the Nevada desert also was fine. I think plants and me don't get along. Desert places are apparently good for me, though obviously super bad pollution is not. Los Feliz seemed fine when I was there a couple weeks ago, though, but if anyone knows otherwise, let me know!
  14. I'm from Michigan originally. I don't want to live anywhere it snows or is humid. Been there, done that. I really like LA's weather and the no BS attitude. And ultimately, I have do a BA in film.
  15. Roger, I hate to be contrary, but Jetfire boxes had the Tatsunoko seahorse logo on a sticker affixed to them.
  16. Well, okay, but what's the difference between Mountain View, Sunnyvale, and Palo Alto? You can hardly tell. I have no idea where Campbell ends and San Jose begins. It just sort of blurs together. Hell, even the barrier between Daly City and SF is kind of vague. SFSU is practically in Daly City. I don't mind commuting to work, but I don't want to commute for play. I want to be living in a cool place and drive a not cool place for work, like I already do living in SF and driving to SJ.
  17. I'm kind of a cynical, sarcastic person, and I think part of my problem with SF is a personality conflict between me and most of the people who live here, so that might actually be a good thing for me.
  18. Irvine is pretty far away from LA though, right? How much less do they pay? I'm not rolling in it, but I am getting ~50k a year, which isn't that much, but you know, whatever, I don't have a family to support or anything. That all sounds relaly nice. Like what outlying cities specifically? And I'd really rather live somewhere cool. Having to drive to the cool parts at night sucks. Commuting to work and back I don't mind, but I'd like to just wake up in a cool part of town instead of being way the hell out like I am in SF now.
  19. Yeah, I already live like that in SF so I don't think it's a problem. I know SF has great public transportation, but I never use it. That was part of why I liked my vist there a couple of weeks ago. I am soooo sick of rain and fog. I love nightlife but it's definitely the artsy/hipstery crowds I hang out in. I'm also a singer and playing shows is something I like to do. I will probably miss SF's Chinatown, but Japantown in SF sucks. It's just a mall basically. My friend recommended to me like Silverlake and that sort of thing, mostly I want to be in the areas that are not super expensive not ritzy but have young artsy hipstery kids and are not way ghetto. Venice Beach was super nice but that's the kind of place I'd like to be able to drive to, not live in.
  20. Well, the bay area is San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose, and a web of small ones crammed together.
  21. Yeah, I already live in San Francisco and I'm sick of it. I'm tired of the rain, tired of the snobby attitudes, and like I said, tired of living right next to Golden Gate Park, which while pretty, coats my car in slime and makes everything humid and annoying. It's too cold, too wet, and I miss summer. Also I have a BA in film and theoretically LA is the right place. I do love city life, and that's part of my issue with San Francisco. I'm kind of off in a corner of the city right by the ocean and detached from everything. I already commute from SF to San Jose daily. I'm non-plussed about the driving. I work in a cubicle already and that's fine. I'm more interested in hanging out with LA hipster kids with bad tattoos and ridiculous hair than movie stars.
  22. I've been living in California since I was 14 and am not planning on leaving anytime soon. I've also been living in San Francisco which is expensive as hell, but whatever. I'm used to it. I'm not looking for like nice beachfront living, I just want to live in a city area where crackheads aren't falling over me when I leave my house in the morning and no one is going to shoot me.
  23. I was of course exaggerating and being silly! More like months really, but I'm pretty into the idea.
  24. I mean like "not going to get shot" nice, not ritzy nice. I went down there a couple of weeks ago and stayed in Los Feliz which seemed like a perfectly nice little neighborhood. Nature is not really something I'm hankering for right now. I've been living next to Golden Gate Park and am sick of tree sap all over my car and rain.
  25. I am thinking about moving to Los Angeles in the next few minutes. Can any LA-area MWers give me some tips? I work in tech, which I'd like to continue doing. Job market seems fairly solid going by craig's list postings. How's the local area? Any good parts of LA to live in? Is there a decent Japantown/Chinatown? Thoughts?
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