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Everything posted by Ginrai

  1. But it's NOT aesthetically similar to the Takatoku 1/55s. The Macross 7 1/60s are aesthetically similar to the Takatoku 1/55s. Those look like simplified, rough and tough, cheap for kids toys. The 1/60 VF-25 looks like Bandai's recent non-SoC Chogokin output. An assload of metal, kind of gangly, more concerned with being heavy and metal and covering all the transformations without breaking than looking precisely like anemic 3D models from the shows in question. Aquarion. Not the same mode, but it was all I found with a quick google: http://img43.echo.cx/img43/8153/aquarionluna0ny.png
  2. You guys need to go revisit the 1/55 if you think it is at all in the same class as the VF-25. This VF-25 is quite similar in design and build to the recent Chogokin Aquarion.
  3. You have got to be kidding me. You can quibble over minor details all you want. If you think this looks like an 80's toy, you've never seen an 80's toy.
  4. I like VF-27 A VERY
  5. If you think that looks like the 80's 1/55 Valkyrie... are you drunk? Botched lasik surgery?
  6. You do realize this was the same conversation as side A, right? What did you think we got wrong? And I just watched whatever the fart was available when I happened to be watching. No idea what Andrew and Daryl were watching.
  7. Well, Macross VF-X and M3 have wings and they are no prize. Yikes.
  8. Up shortly on www.destroyallpodcastsdx.com you will find the second part of our Macross Frontier podcast! This one is infested with spoilers, but our new irritating SPOILER ALARM will give you ten seconds to abort the podcast if you haven't finished watching the show yet. Use this podcast at your own risk.
  9. Isn't that the tranny from Final Fight?
  10. As someone who has worked as professional writer before, it suuuuucks. I love writing, but I also love health insurance and knowing where my next meal is coming from. Hahaha.
  11. Well, I don't think there's any way to know, so I'm loathe to call it fact, but it sure SEEMS like they're the same person.
  12. I was playing this as a Destroid simulator until I got to the part where you fight Hikaru and he instantly kicks my ass every time. Is there a trick to beating him? I tried playing as a Valkyrie but I cannot control the fighter mode at all. I don't get why the camera doesn't follow you. You end up spinning your jet around and so I am somehow looking at the nose of my jet while supposedly controlling it. I don't get it at all. Why doesn't it work like a normal flight sim's camera? Any tips on this, guys?
  13. Is there a way to switch the controls so you can steer with the analog nub instead of the dpad?
  14. To be honest it was the same discussion, it was just going on too long and I didn't want to put out a podcast that was an hour and 45 minutes. You will find Side B is much in the same vein as Side A, just with way more spoilers.
  15. This is probably the Celebrity Just For Kids! thing. I actually ripped a digital copy off of one of those old tapes of it.
  16. The Nene pipes joke is definitely from Fast Karate.
  17. I found out that Macross existed independent of Robotech through the Comico comics books. Issue one was called Macross #1 not Robotech: The Macross Saga and actually talked about the other exciting series they were going to put out, Mospeada and Southern Cross. I found out about Macross II because I was scouring comic stores for Robotech back issues when one of the store guys asked if I wanted to preorder Macross II #1 and I had no idea there was a Macross sequel coming out. I also got DYRL by way of Clash of the Bionoids in a Suncoast when I was a kid. I remember it was just sitting there in the (then very small) anime VHS section and and I was shocked when I saw the SDF-1 there and realized Macross was written in tiny letters. Also living near San Francisco as a preteen and teenager there were lots of places that had Japanese import crap so I got Macross model kits and such. I was definitely aware of Macross indepedent of Robotech since I was probably 10 at the latest. When Macross Plus and 7 started coming out I was all over that, sending people I didn't know money to mail me VHS tapes and going to a local anime club full of creepy mouth-breathing adults with a couple of my friends, carrying VCRs on the light rail train, trying to get high enough in the daisy chain to get decent picture quality. If this makes me sound super old, I was just doing this when I too young for it to be a good idea.
  18. That's only if you are talking about the serious Macross fans. Wander into general anime groups and it's full of people going "RANKA-CHAN KAWAII "
  19. Luca is the Nene of the series. Too bad there were no pipes to throw him into.
  20. This game is out? Where did you buy it?
  21. Up today is the first part of our epic Macross Frontier podcast with special guest host Daryl Surat of Anime World Order. http://www.destroyallpodcastsdx.com Let us know what you think! I'm especially looking forward to hearing from angry Ranka/Klan fans.
  22. I have heard the exact same sound effect of computer funky noise in DYRL (on the Protoculture) and in Gundam and in several other show example. I think they were pulling from the same library, it's just that every show didn't use every sound effect there.
  23. Whatever dude, I don't care if you like my podcast. You are the one bringing it into other threads where it is not relevant.
  24. I didn't bother to watch because I've seen the Robotech commercials a million times. If they are not the ones on the DVD I stand corrected and apologize, but I still think it's super weird demanding credit for uploading something to youtube.
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