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Everything posted by Ginrai

  1. I will be at the Sacramento event and filming and asking some questions. Anyone have any questions they'd like asked from the HG people or Macek's widow? Don't bother making inflammatory suggestions as I will completely ignore them.
  2. Glad you liked it! I will pass on your compliments to Heidi.
  3. We have a new VIDEO podcast available at: http://www.destroyallpodcasts.com/ It's about our trip to San Diego Comic-Con 2010! Check it out! Includes over 25+ stills, big clear pictures of robot toys and stuff. Yes, Toynami's vinyl Glaug is coming and yes, the Shogun Warrior Golion and Dairuggers look sweet.
  4. Once the original SDF Macross, Southern Cross, and Mospeada became easily available in the US, the issue vanished. Who cares?
  5. Yeah, let's remember that this Robotech comic predated Macross Zero.
  6. Did you try Gamefaqs?
  7. DX isn't the name of the line, it's just short for deluxe. The line is Chogokin.
  8. Svea did the art for the very first issue. It was just called Macross #1 and was actually painted instead of colored traditionally. This was before Robotech so it just said Macross on the cover, the whole Japanese logo.
  9. Patlabor has a whiney emo protagonist? Noa is consistently chipper and happy.
  10. Just watch the original Mobile Suit Gundam movie trilogy and see if you like it. It's really good (especially movie 3) as long as you don't have a problem with '70s animation. It's also not THAT much of a time investment. You might also try Gundam 0080 to start with as it's self-contained as well.
  11. I think you mean Aisha looks like Aisha. har har
  12. When I say things are dated on the podcast I typically mean "contain sideburns and bellbottoms and character design styles no longer popular".
  13. This was not from the Netter Digital iteration of Robotech 3000, this is the version that was showing up when Robotech.com that eventually turned into Shadow Chronicles. That stuff is like 2000 or 2001, after Netter was already dead. The Netter Robotech 3000 mecha were just weird robot forklifts and crap.
  14. No he didn't. Transformers: The Movie was a bomb that later became a cult hit on VHS on the rental scene. Transformers was such a bomb that GI Joe: The Movie and My Little Pony: The Movie were relegated to direct to video because Hasbro and the other companies involved couldn't afford the risk. The movie that Macek says buried Robotech: The Movie was a little thing called Aliens. This is not hard info to track down. Go read Robotech Art 3.
  15. Infamous? It's a pink girl squirming around while a voiceover explains the plot. It's so tame, there's not even a dude in the scene. This is like PG-13 at worst.
  16. Or it could be that there was no Macross show on television since Macross 7 until Frontier came out.
  17. No dubs. The only dub of Mospeada aside from Robotech is a one episode pilot that Harmony Gold did before Robotech along the lines of their three episode Macross dub.
  18. That's Emerald Force, not Diamond Force.
  19. HAHAHA! Best comment on this podcast yet. You win.
  20. Renato, thanks for the kind words and thoughtful comments. I will have to bring up your take on the closing montage and music in the feedback episode we are doing very shortly!
  21. For the people having trouble download the podcast, I spoke with the server guy and he says, "ok, looks like there's nothing wrong with the server setup, so that is fine. I had a couple people try and download with no problem. If possible, can you ask any user who has problems to provide: browser/os/ connection type (dsl, fiber etc), plus what time of day in what timezone - maybe we can deduce a pattern." Please let me know.
  22. I don't like iTunes either -- I was just trying to figure out if iTunes was to blame or if it was a problem with the website. I've forwarded your comments on to the server admins.
  23. How are you downloading it? From the website, iTunes, what? I've been forwarding reports like this to Josh, the guy who runs CDX, but I don't handle any of the server stuff so the more information I can give him, the better.
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