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Everything posted by Ginrai

  1. Well the Toynami VF-1 was definitely designed in CAD, since they showed the wireframes in Toyfare back in the day. I have the issue kicking around here somewhere. I really doubt that would make the Alpha by hand after doing the VF-1 in CAD.
  2. There IS a sequel to Macross II. The Macross II: The Micron Conspiracy comic.
  3. Well, I am down with San Jose, like I said, but I definitely do not have a place to host it in San Jose. I could see if my podcastmate Mike/Robot Bastard who lives in SJ is interested. I will ask him about it.
  4. I live right next to Golden Gate Park and less than a mile from the ocean, have cheap rent (for SF anyway) and get paid 20 grand more than my last job, so for now, anyway, it works.
  5. I'm still definitely down for a nocal thing. Can we agree on a location? Obviously I'd prefer San Francisco what with living here and all, but I mean, I commute to San Jose for work ANYWAY...
  6. May as well not be winter. It's like 70 degrees out and not a raindrop for weeks.
  7. Well, can you blame it for being stereotypical when it created a lot of the stereotypes? This was before Akira.
  8. We have a new podcast up at: http://www.destroyallpodcastsdx.com It's about The Great Battle with Genma, more frequently known in the western world as Harmagedon. This is a movie with character designs by the Akira guy, directed by the Captain Harlock guy, and featuring terrible music by Keith Emerson of Emerson, Lake & Palmer! Amazing!
  9. Could be good. Maybe we could find a good park to have a BBQ in or something of that nature?
  10. If you read the booklet that comes with the ADV release it has interviews with the creators talking about it being cut short. It's not a rumor.
  11. Well, I'm in San Franciscoooo. Where is everyone AT?
  12. Hahaha. Glad you enjoyed it.
  13. Wow, way to be 8 years out of date. Did you somehow miss the neat little 1/100 Valkyries or the massive Beta fighter that is getting so much love lately?
  14. Are any California Macross fans interested in having some kind of party to celebrate the (sadly fictional) launching of the SDF-1 Macross next month?
  15. ROBOTECH SUCKS!!!! should also be on that list.
  16. Well I totally hate Klan, if that makes you feel better. I hate Ranka more, but Klan is close, damn pedo-baiting fan service character. Yuck.
  17. The animation is way more consistent than Macross, that's for sure.
  18. Uh, did you miss the part where two jets connect together?
  19. Well, I think it does have things about it stand out, but the things that make Southern Cross stand out (female lead, well-developed characters, more complex plotting) are also the things that bog it down and make a failure.
  20. Honestly I think the original armor on robo-horse designs, as ridiculous as they are, may have been cooler.
  21. The booklet that comes with the ADV release of the DVD set is probably the best we will get.
  22. It's totally not a happy ending for the humans. What do you think the protozor crap is doing to them? And there's still enough Zor up there to go kill most of them, even all confused.
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