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Everything posted by Ginrai

  1. http://animeworldorder.blogspot.com/2008/0...u-ishiguro.html
  2. Uh, yeah, long before animation was produced it was intended to be a series called among other things Vanity City. The B-Club Special has some stuff about it as does the Entertainment Bible and that one big Megazone 23 book from the 80's I'm spacing on the name of. However, it was not a compilation of footage from separate episodes. The plan was changed before it was animated, which is why it's a complete story with a beginning middle and end. Some characters intended to have full development are just standing there in the background in the OAV (Shogo's pals from the bike shop for example). There's a bunch of different mecha that never ended up in the OAV including various versions of what became the Garland. Listen to the Anime World Order episode with Ishiguro Noboru, that has some good nuggets too. I have no doubt it was plotted out, but there's no indication scripts had been written for everything, and this OAV is definitely not footage scavagened from several partially completed episodes like it was for The Sentinels.
  3. I also installed the update and my 360 is fine. I think it was a coincidence and you just got a regular red ring, dude.
  4. Hey everyone, we have a new podcast up about Shogun Assassin 2: Lightning Swords of Death, the third 1970's live action movie adaptation of Kazuo Koike's samurai manga Lone Wolf & Cub. http://www.destroyallpodcastsdx.com It's sort of neat they preserved the bad dub from the 1970's.
  5. Uhm, isn't the VF-2SS a dedicated space fighter? Who cares if it's aerodynamic if it's only used in space?
  6. Well we haven't set a firm date here, I'd personally like to go with the Japanese date, but whatever more people can do, I guess.
  7. Well, we could do it that Saturday? I haven't heard about these posters either.
  8. I definitely want to do this but I think we should go with the Japanese date so we have more time to get it together. I don't really have much interest in karting, but Milpitas is totally fine. What does everyone else think?
  9. At least six. I will have to go dig up the HTML from my old website because I don't remember all the details, but there's a couple of versions of Matsushiro Jetfire, a transition model that has Bandai with no date and the parts largely fit Takatoku/Matsushiro sizes, and then a bunch of variations of Bandais with '84, '85, and different places or something like that? Different models can't share guns or parts, that kind of thing. EDIT: I found it. Jetfire variations: Matsushiro 1 - Finer "ridged" detail on antennae, Painted UN SPACY insignia on the wing, lined canopy Matsushiro 2 - Finer "ridged" detail on antennae, U.N. Spacy sticker insignia on the wing, lined canopy Matsushiro 3 - Finer "ridged" detail on antennae, U.N. Spacy sticker insignia on the wing, unlined canopy Matsu-Bandai (Matsushiro body with Bandai antennae and copyright) Bandai 1 - Smooth antennae, Bandai logo in a straight line on the left side, no "box" around it, no copyright, just "TOKYO JAPAN" on the right Bandai 2 - Smooth antennae, Bandai "box" logo on the left side, © BANDAI 1984 MADE IN JAPAN on the right Bandai 3 - Smooth antennae, Bandai "box" logo on the left side, © BANDAI 1985 MADE IN JAPAN on the right I didn't mention on the site, but there's also a sort of "brick" pattern on the bottom of the backpack that is on the Matsu models and not the Bandais.
  10. Yeah, I mean, they are kind of out of the way. But they are gonna continue selling stuff online, but it's not the same.
  11. Up on www.destroyallpodcastsdx.com is a new podcast about the closing of a vintage Japanese toy store near Oakland, California (which is near San Francisco if you need that). We recorded this at Ton Kiang, the restaurant that hosted the after party. The blog post also contains a good 30 pictures from the Kimono My House trip as well as the Ton Kiang. Yes, we even have photographed evidence of Gakeen's big day out with a granny tranny in a hideous wig! Check it out if you are into robot toys.
  12. Only a small portion of the Sentinels comics were released in a collected form.
  13. That's funny. It doesn't crash for me. Some weird graphical glitches now and again, but nothing I haven't seen with other havok games.
  14. I think you mean, "the ugliest of action figures". You can just end the sentence right there.
  15. Okay, but that doesn't mean that Tatsunoko or HG can't make a sequel if they feel like it.
  16. Yeah, see what I mean? That theme is much worse.
  17. I downloaded it on Xbox but haven't gotten a chance to get into it yet. I wonder why the PC and PS3 versions of Fallout 3 are so crashy but the Xbox one isn't?
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJyS2fRu8ug
  19. Well the point is, since Southern Cross is a Tatsunoko show unencumbered by any Studio Nue jazz that was made in house by Tatsunoko staff and they have the rights, there's no dispute with HG at all, and either Tatsunoko or Harmony Gold is welcome to make a sequel to Southern Cross, they just aren't going to because it is not popular enough to warrant such a thing.
  20. Are you talking about the Saban/Levy theme or the Japanese theme? They are totally different.
  21. Oh really? When? For what purpose? Also, we were talking about a potential sequel, not toys, right?
  22. There are no rights issues with Southern Cross. The show was created entirely in house by Tatsunoko and they have full undisputed international rights, not just to distributing, but everything.
  23. If it's in San Jose we still need a venue.
  24. That's just the disclaimer before the show, silly. Keep listening.
  25. We have a new podcast review up on our site: http://www.destroyallpodcastsdx.com It is about Great Mazinger vs. Getter Robo G and it is full of MANLY TEARS.
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