Well, that's always the thing with Oshii. His work is typically beautiful but he always walks the razor's edge of boring and pretentious and sometimes he falls on the good side, and sometimes on the bad side. While his Ghost in the Shell is definitely not the colorful bouncy work of Shirow, I feel like compared to his other movies, it's paced pretty well and has enough action to keep from getting boring (except for that interminable boat scene).
Angel's Egg, on the other hand, is Oshii at his most boring and pretentious. There's almost no dialogue in it and the dialogue that's there is almost all variations on "Who are you?" and quotes from the Bible grossly out of context. Beautiful Dreamer was kind of experimental and then he got cocky and made this crap.
This one of those films that people on the internet have not actually seen, but have HEARD was really great, so they get all offended when you say it's garbage, for reasons that remain obscure to me.