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Everything posted by Ginrai

  1. These games are shovelware garbage and there's already better Macross games. Why would they bother?
  2. Does Scrambled Valkyrie count in the DYRL -> Macross II timeline?
  3. Oh please. Sentinels is boring and stupid but that is totally false. At least the "Inbit rip up the dumb city" scenes are pretty well animated, certainly better than anything actually in Mospeada. Let's be fair.
  4. Are you kidding? Animation is really hard to do. I would be damn impressed if fans had been able to create something like Shadow Chronicles.
  5. Matsushiro didn't OBTAIN the molds, they MADE them. Matsushiro was the company Takatoku contracted with to do the physical molding and that sort of thing. They already HAD them. Note also that Matsushiro are the ones who filed the US Patents for the 1/55 Valkyrie toy. Also I don't think they went under (at least not then) as there are all kinds of patents for like remote controlled cars and the like from Matsushiro. More likely, since Matsushiro created the molds and were manufacturing the toys already (and presumably doing the packaging too since the Euro Space Fighter packaging is exactly the same materials as the Takatoku packaging but with different words and such), they just ran off a bunch of gray market ones and didn't get Big West's approval and then Hasbro saw them at a toy show and went, "Hey make us some of these." Then later when Bandai got the rights from Big West or Tatsunoko or whomever (I'm thinking Tatsunoko since American Jetfire boxes have the Tatsunoko seahorse logo sticker) they just went, "Hey Matsushiro, make some more of these." We know from Matt Alt talking to people at Bandai pretty much the entire Takatoku team that designed the Macross toys in the first place ended up working at Bandai for years, so they all did the DYRL stuff. Edit: Oh and it took me so long to type this up that someone actually sent the same basic information I was typing first. Oops. Well, anyway, you get the idea!
  6. Oh yeah, we have a new podcast. http://www.destroyallpodcastsdx.com It's about the second Cyborg 009 movie. From the 60's. It's really, really old.
  7. Yeah, that's only a relatively recent thing brought about by the 1980's superhero deconstructions like Watchmen and The Dark Knight Returns and the especally the 1989 Batman movie. Before that there were four Superman movies that were all brightly colored and garish, not to mention the 60's Batman movie, Zorro, et cetera et cetera.
  8. Unless he moves away again!
  9. If only. Still, Search for Vegeance is better than the rest of the sequels, and fun, and is removed enough that it could be in its own little world where there is no Conor or Kurgen or anything.
  10. Yeah, agreed. The first movie has a perfect ending and it's clearly the finish of the story. Every attempt to continue it is stupid, as Highlander 2 neatly proves.
  11. This is definitely the best Highlander aside from the original movie, if you ask me. Endgame really bothered me. Both Conor and Duncan were written way out of character. Duncan murdering his wife on their wedding night so she could be immortal with him is idiotic, and Conor just moping around and being useless is also terrible and not at all like the dude we saw in three movies (two of them awful, I admit). As far as anime goes, this may not be anything unusual or too special by the standards of the 1980's, but by the standards of NOW, it's awesome that there's more anime like this coming out. The vast majority of anime these days is terrible niche moe puke and this really harkens back to the days of, well, Wicked City, Ninja Scroll, and other super violent, sexy, bizarre Japanese action cartoons. If this came out in the 80's it wouldn't be super notable, but it's notable for being a new anime in that vein. And hey, it's pretty enjoyable. It's definitely a dumb action movie, but they don't really make 'em like this anymore, you know what I mean?
  12. How about the Jamming Birds in Macross 7 sing a Macross II song?
  13. The ring it has to me is a fat guy named Joe! Hahaha.
  14. Oh, it just hadn't quite finished uploading then. I write the posts while I'm uploading so I can save time and get to bed sooner.
  15. Jotun is a Robotech fan fiction name from the Unofficial Robotech Reference Guide people.
  16. We have a new podcast up at: http://www.destroyallpodcastsdx.com It is about Highlander: The Search for Vengeance, the Highlander anime directed by Yoshiaki Kawajiri, director of Ninja Scroll, Wicked City, Demon City Shinjuku, and one part of The Animatrix.
  17. We have a new podcast up at: http://www.destroyallpodcastsdx.com It's about the first Ghost in the Shell movie and this time we take it seriously.
  18. Pretty sure that's among the paintings for Macross model kits/video releases/et cetera that got recycled a million times, possibly one of the Toshimichi Suzuki ones. Suzuki is probably better known as the president of Artmic.
  19. Well, half the time I totally hate Oshii and the podcasts on those movies are full of me screaming about how terrible he is (see the recent Angel's Egg, Stray Dogs, Red Spectacles, Dallos, et cetera) and half I really enjoy, even though nearly all of his movies are pretty slow. I also thought the second Patlabor was totally boring and crappy and was just a really dull movie about commuting to work. I like the first Ghost in the Shell, but Innocence infuriates me because everyone is totally out of character and all their dialogue is like their brains are connected to wikipedia and they are just spewing out the entries for various philosophers. Yuck. As for Tachiguishi Retsuden, I have only been able to find with a really rough engrish sub from some HK pirate release. Were you able to get it with a proper subtitle? I haven't been able to sit through it with that engrish sub. I actually really quite like Shin Onna Tachiguishi Retsuden, but it's a series of live action shorts and Oshii only directed two of six and the shortest ones. Kenji Kamiyama (director/writer of Ghost in the Shell/Stand Alone Complex) directed and starred in one and I don't know who directed the one about the snowcone seller in the cornfield but I thought it was totally gorgeous and brilliant. Oh, I had no subtitles at all for Shin Onna either but very little of it was dialogue-heavy and it really has nothing to do with the Tachiguishi Retsuden story whatsoever. The cowboy gunfight one was lots of fun too. The four by other people just have the loose concept of someone trying to get free fast food and Oshii's two have nothing to do with fast food whatsoever. I can see why you'd boycott Oshii. I've certainly been burned by him many times, but I am totally fascinated by the way he can make something I love and something I totally HATE and jump back and forth between these two states all the time. It's not like he just declined, it's like he has a split personality and you never know when EVIL Oshii will be in the driver's seat. No clue. I haven't read the novel. Is there some way to get it in ENGLISH? Not that it's much of a spoiler but It doesn't ruin the movie in any way shape or form. And yeah, one thing about Oshii's films is that Kenji Kawai usually does the music and most of the time he is wonderful, with the exception of Red Spectacles that sounds like some crappy 90's direct to video action flick and Stray Dog which is boring Spanish guitar for two hours, but that movie is probably the dullest thing I've seen in my life.
  20. Some of the animation on the characters gets kind of crappy and low framerate a few times which was really odd and bothered us and that's why we complained about it on the podcast.
  21. We have a new podcast up! http://www.destroyallpodcastsdx.com It's about Mamoru Oshii's latest film, The Sky Crawlers, where people who are permanently teenagers fly warplanes and try to kill each other! If you like incredibly detailed backgrounds and HD anime graphics, this is your movie! If you like alternate history stories about obscure World War II airplanes that only flew once in the real world, this is your movie! If you like ice cold girls who suddenly go crazy and drunkenly make out with you in a car while pointing a gun to your head, this is your movie!
  22. Glad you enjoyed it! I know there are fansubs around! This sounds really reasonable and I'd buy that in an instant. Well, that's a good interpretation, but it ultimately leaves the viewer with an empty, hollow feeling, much like the egg.
  23. There. I just put up a NEW podcast and it is a critical analysis of Angel's Egg. I hope that suits everyone better than the previous podcast based around mocking it and discussing the proclivities of Douglas Yancy Funnie. http://www.collectiondx.com/system/files/DAPDX-093A.mp3
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