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Everything posted by Ginrai

  1. Assault Suits Valken (Cybernator) is the sequel to Assault Suit Leynos (Target Earth).
  2. Irreverent? You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
  3. The "oily" finish people are talking about is no doubt mold release which many plastic toys have when you get them.
  4. Mine is the 20 GB model, not an Elite.
  5. MD Geist is definitely not so bad it's good. It's not good either. It's just really boring and bland.
  6. I don't have to admit anything. If anyone can stay awake to the end of MD Geist I'll give them an award for masochism.
  7. My 360 has never had a problem, but it's one of the HDMI units.
  8. Yeah, the top selling comic that's not a superhero comic is Buffy which is not even cresting 50k. http://www.comichron.com/monthlycomicssale...09/2009-06.html The best selling comic is only selling 168,539, which is pathetic compared to what comics were selling when we were kids, but the point is that was not mecha books having a boom, it was '80s nostalgia books having a boom, and that particular ship has long since set sail.
  9. How about compare it to other '80s robot shows that are not Gundam that Bandai has released toys for. How many L-Gaim toys has Bandai put out in the last 20 years? Hmm?
  10. Man would I love to have that SDF-1 playset.
  11. Are you serious? The American comic book industry is in a death spiral. The last two years have been especially bad.
  12. Not that I doubt the 360 has had a huge failure rate, but Game Informer has zero credibility. They are just a "pay us money" scam from GameStop.
  13. Fair enough. Maybe it's just not profitable to put out a NEW comic.
  14. Is that actually being published by DC?
  15. Yeah, so DC's license probably ran out and they didn't renew it since the '80s nostalgia boom in comics died.
  16. Oh yeah, Bandai hates Macross so much they put out 4 DYRL 1/55 releases in the '80s, 3 High Complete Models in the '80s, 1 1990 1/55, 4 Macross 7 Valkyries, and what like, 8 or so 1/55s in 2002?, 4 more 1/55s just last year, and how many Macross Frontier Valkyries? Oh, and not to mention all the model kits and the 1/100 toys. Don't be ridiculous.
  17. How do you know how long the license was for?
  18. Where did you get the idea that Harmony Gold made comics? DC made comics.
  19. Uncut or not, MD Geist still sucks.
  20. It was fun. Nice meeting you everyone.
  21. PMed you too, but I would absolutely love a copy of this.
  22. Awesome! I will leave it running all night. Thanks!
  23. I've been trying for days and days to download this, but there are zero seeds. A little help anyone?
  24. I'm coming for sure, but I don't know how late I will be staying. My mom's birthday so need to get to the east bay for dinner. Will definitely be around for a couple of hours at least. I'm a tall skinny dude with curly brown hair and will probably be wearing my black VF-1S T-shirt. Do we wanna like exchange some phone numbers or something?
  25. Monstructor and Dinosaur Force have different Pretender shells, but the robots inside are the same. They are tiny. The robots are about the same size as your average minibot like Bumblebee or Cliffjumper. They are bigger than Micromasters, but not by much. Dinoking can fight Star Saber because the cartoons have never paid any attention to the (lack of) scale the toys have.
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