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  1. Well the fun thing about this is people finally know the terms of the agreement between Tatsunoko and Harmony Gold and exactly how long the license is for: Sept 11th 1984 Tatsunoko grants license to HG for 7 years, so until 1991 Mar 15th 1991 Tatsunoko grants license to HG for 10 years, so until 2001 Aug 6th 1998 Tatsunoko amends license agreement until 2011 Mar 20th 2008 Tatsunoko amends license agreement until 2021 So there goes the theory that the license is indefinite or that they "sold" the property to Harmony Gold. It's still a limited term license. Yes, than can renew it forever if they want to, but they don't have to. Now all the HG arguments can be fought with clearer knowledge! Hooray!
  2. I realllllly really want Mylene's VF-11 MAXL.
  3. Seriously? Anemic and fragile is how I'd describe SHE kits, not chunky and tough and easy to transform.
  4. Penguin just said, "Considering the VF-4G only appeared in games"... and I was saying, no it did not only appear in games.
  5. Uh, the VF-4 was in the anime. It was in Flashback 2012. Since next year is 2012, that's obviously a good time to make a toy of the VF-4.
  6. I love the 19, but let's get real: The VF-1 is the most popular machine in all of Macross, period. Also, I am super excited about both the VF-19S and the VF-19P, maybe slightly more excited for the 19P! I also hope the pods on the shoulders are removable, but I won't cry if they aren't! Looks really sweet either way! Also long as it's white with red stripes and not the whale blood stained robot, I'm down!
  7. I got my Rodimus last night and took my time transforming it. No real problems, but you've gotten take it slow and be careful. The guy in the video pretty clearly manhandled it.
  8. This is really cool!
  9. Yes, the ADV Macross dub is not so great, but I still think Mari Iijima is the worst part of it, unfortunately. Her accent is so thick, despite living in the states for years and years, that it is terribly distracting. Of course, it could be worse, it could be the Macross II dub, which is one of the worst dubs to ever exist. Every... one likestotalkreal... fast... and then... havelotsofawkwardlyplaced... pauses. That dub goes back to US Renditions though, so what do you expect?
  10. Floro Dery is credited in both the end credits of the TV show and the movie. Also a lot of people worked on Macross, not just Kawamori. He came up with the original concept but he didn't write every episode, he wasn't series director, he didn't design the characters or the spaceships or most of the enemy mecha and so on.
  11. Why are you people so interested in seeing Big West written on things? Big West is an advertising agency. They didn't CREATE anything. Studio Nue, Artland, and various freelancers and outsourced studios created Macross. Big West just put up money. Care about the artists, not the guys with the checkbooks.
  12. Do you have to pay ahead of time with them?
  13. Not every Matchbox Veritech came with the video, on the Robotech Wars giftset.
  14. If you watch the Robotech DVD extras there's a (super boring) Toyfair 198...5? 6? presentation where they show the big Matchbox Veritech transforming into GERWALK mode. I disassembled one and found the mechanisms for the arms swinging out and the legs swinging out are intact. If you put a piece of plastic over the inside back plate the arm swinging out works great. Problem is there's no hand, nor back of the arm, and of course, while the legs swing out, the joints are missing so it can't do gerwalk properly. And yeah, this was definitely copied off of the Takatoku/Matsushiro Valkyrie since as Ray mentions, there are a number of features ONLY on the 1/55 toy and not on newer toys or in the recent line art that are copied. Not just the scope on the gunpod, but the shape and location of the swing bars, the shape of the shoulders, et cetera. Also note that the working shoulder mechanism is NOT present in the Exo-Squad reissues. Guess they simplified it later on. I forget if the Harmony Gold branded Chinese release has the shoulder mechanisms or not. I will have to check.
  15. I got my Straxus (okay, Darkmount, if you must). It's pretty rad.
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