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Everything posted by JB0

  1. My understanding is the problem is with subpixel antialiasing. OLED displays don't have subpixels arranged in a way that matches any common LCD layout, and it breaks subpixel antialiasing. Personally, I consider subpixel antialiasing an antifeature and do my best to kill it, despite software's insistence that it needs to be there(OS makes it hard to kill, then applications override preferences and force it back on anyways). Chromatic aberration in my glasses means the subpixel arrangement in any display is not consistent in my vision, so it is worse to have it than to not have it.
  2. That's a remarkably patriotic color scheme for a Cobra vehicle. I wish they hadn't used the HISS Tank on Megatron already, since it would make a better Shockwave(and has before!).
  3. A perception encouraged by "Khyron" having seemingly crashed in an undamaged chunk of rainforest. It is a lot harder to explain how he could be hiding there if it was a postwar manmade forest.
  4. This one at least isn't a big concern. The magnetosphere isn't really a physical object. It's just the magnetic field the Earth's spinning iron core generates. Sure a bunch of charged particles ripping through it will cause short-term distortions of the magnetic field, but it springs back. Similar here. The ozone layer is an automatically-replenishing resource. (There's actually a possibility the bombardment would've REINFORCED the ozone layer, as the process which generates ozone begins with cracking apart O2 molecules to create free oxygen, and the zentradi bombardment dropped a LOT of high-energy particles into the atmosphere.) But yeah, it was a pretty bad time to be an earthling.
  5. I sort of feel like the reasons for not making "next-gen" destroids is a case of building for the last war instead of the next one. We know the colonies are not all one big happy family. There have been full-on wars between colonies. If one colony decides to annex another one, they're going to need ground forces. An army of destroids will be cheaper than VFs outfitted with ground combat packs, and require less training for operators and maintenance crews. Fortunately, making a modernized destroid isn't complicated. The variable fighter's nature as a multi-mode all-regime combat unit means that development of battroid-esque combat capabilities continues. When someone finds they need a dedicated ground force again, it will be relatively simple to start with a variable fighter in battroid mode, scrap the complexity of transforming. After that, they can start tweaking. Heavier armor, bigger guns, larger ammo reserves. Keep the energized armor(but much thicker), scrap the inertia management(or minimize it to just what's useful for recoil management).
  6. "Okay, yeah. The pilot's brain is part of the computer system and if they were mentally unstable the plane would be wildly unpredictable. Good thing I'm not crazy!" *pops some pills*
  7. It is really weird that Optimus doesn't have a bunch of random black pieces. He looks like he's from another line.
  8. That was kind of my point. They are ery confused about the difference between popular fiction and scientific reality(which has several currently-untested hypotheses).
  9. You know, looking at the unpainted prototype... I wouldn't mind an all-gray "episode 6 edition".
  10. I've definitely interacted with younger audiences who have seen Terminator films. They hated the original because that isn't how time travel works, predestination paradoxes aren't a thing because you create alternate timelines instead, and they can't take any film seriously that has such clearly wrong concepts of time travel. Friggin' tedious, I tell ya. I mean, isn't that what Terminator: Salvation was? And it was a dumpster fire. I personally believe the franchise is best left dead. It was one fantastic movie, one nonsensical action spectacle*, and a bunch of just dire attempts to cash in on a name... and also Sarah Connor Chronicles, I guess that one was awesome or something, I didn't see it please don't hurt me. *Seriously. My summary of Terminator 2 is "There are plot holes big enough to drive a truck through, but no one cares because they DID drive a truck through them, then the truck blew up, and they did it again a half-hour later."
  11. Already an improvement.
  12. In fairness, the VF-1's arms could be purged(I think?) without hindering the ability to go back to fighter mode. Didn't Hikaru eject the damaged arms in the big final battle... and then go through re-entry while missing half his plane's underside? That's actually kinda nuts, now that I think about it. ALSO in fairness, the VF-1 doesn't really need to swap arms to swap specialized equipment. The FAST pack arm launchers demonstrate that well, as does the VE-1's arm packs in DYRL. Just hang crap under the plane, and hope you don't need to use your landing gear any time soon(that's why we have gerwalk, I guess).
  13. The promise of the F-35: One plane for every service! The reality of the F-35: Three planes sharing one name and confusing everyone! Jetpack is what I'd do too. Especially since I'd like to see the VTOL capability echoed in the robot.
  14. So what I'm hearing about this game is "I'd buy that for a dollar"?
  15. Marines, F-35B. The Navy's F-35C has wider wings(that fold up), and sturdier landing gear for handling catapult launches and arresting wire landings, but no VTOL capability.
  16. Parappa the Protoculturapper
  17. That's quite fair. It wasn't exactly lighting the schoolyard on fire wedged between Go-Bots, Transformers, and Voltron.
  18. They WERE acceptable. Their target market very much was not "adult collectibles" and "toon-accurate detailing". It was single-digit boys, and those figures were awesome. You could TAKE RICK HUNTER'S HELMET OFF(and wear away the paint).
  19. Nebulas aren't actually very dense. It'd be like driving through a fog and then leaning out the window to get a drink of water. Only worse, because it's less dense and also sootier.
  20. That IS the ultimate Voltron. Hard to make something better than that.
  21. I guess it's time to cook some popcorn again.
  22. The book was called Darksaber, and Wookiepedia says I misremember how badly it malfunctioned(though the end result was the same)
  23. Confusingly, there WAS a Darksaber in ao expanded universe novel from the 90s, but it was completely unrelated(and also a bit of a joke, as it was a bootleg Death Star that self-exploded due to shoddy craftsmanship)
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