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Everything posted by JB0

  1. Utopia is probably the most COHERENT take on Metroplex I've ever seen, and I think I actually like it as a toy rather than as an homage to Hasbro and Takara's original brick. ... Pity I'll never own one.
  2. In fairness, while it wouldn't be right, I would be SUPER-IMPRESSED by an Astrotrain that did all three modes with both vehicles looking realistic and the humanoid mode looking ... well, sane. It would be a complete pain in the rear to transform, almost certainly. But it would be by necessity, rather than "because over-engineering a simple task is fun!". ... Honestly, I'm impressed that they managed to make the original Astrotrain toy as well as they did.
  3. That does look like a nice Astrotrain. I'm willing to give them a pass on the weird front-end of the shuttle since it is both toy- and toon-accurate, and some of those original triple-changer design shortcomings have become iconic parts of the characters' look. Sorta like Bltzwing's ridiculous biplane-jet wings. ... This is, of course, as opposed to a bunch of the other shuttles I've been critical of that are pretty far off from a real STS orbiter AND the original toy they're ripping off homaging.
  4. The Amalgam characters have stayed in their own universe, does that count?
  5. I still maintain that "not being related to the last Doom movie in any way, shape, or form" makes it a better Doom movie just by default.
  6. And it will never get a second season.
  7. More like "Prince Ali, yes it is he, but not as you know him/just a con, need I go on, take it from me"
  8. Flashlight mod included, we hope.
  9. Whoo! I kinda love that franchise. I remain baffled that the same author responsible for it can also be behind Sword Art.
  10. Oh no, not another Doom movie! ... Wait, this one is actually based on the game? I reserve my horror.
  11. Gun Gale is everything Sword Art isn't. Don't bother with Sword Art, it is a bad adaptation of a mediocre book series. Though credit where due, Kawahara Reki's gotten better.
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  13. I can't answer that. I'm unable to be objective about Voltron. But Gunbuster is a much more impressive feat of engineering.
  14. I might've been engaging in a bit of hyperbole. (I DEFINITELY wouldn't pay SoC prices for the stand without a really good robot toy.) But I do love the display stand, and feel it compliments the main toy in a way that few such stands do.
  15. Best part of SoC Gunbuster is the display stand styled like a service gantry. Which isn't to say that it is NOT a cool toy, because it is and I totally wish I had one.
  16. I think he was saying that the Transformers fans are suggesting the T38 as a "more modern" plane, indicating how little they actually know about planes.
  17. If the Petit Cola Company has taste that good, it is no wonder they apparently dominate the industry.
  18. I've set a big Sword Art fan up with "Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online". AKA "People can play video games without it becoming a big melodramatic life-and-death struggle, our hero isn't a ridiculous self-insert fanfic character, and sometimes folks JUST HAVE FUN WITH GAMES." Truly a revolutionary premise in storytelling. I think that sums up my attitude towards both the Sword Art franchise in general and the Gun Gale spinoff in specific.
  19. Yes, but can an AI tell us whether Petit Cola tastes more like Coca-Cola or Pepsi?
  20. You know, that M3 link reminds me... I've long been curious how that dang Petit Cola machine was POWERED. Refrigeration isn't exactly a low-energy process, and I'm FAIRLY sure they haven't installed microfusion generators in friggin' coke machines. Are they using Tesla-style remotely-beamed power? Do they have a short time they can be away from their power dock before the drinks start warming up? Do they just carry a tank of liquid nitrogen for cooling? IMPORTANT QUESTIONS ARE BEING ASKED HERE!
  21. To be less intentionally opaque, that's my second-favorite(since #1 is the Bandai), and is mostly because it was the only complete Voltron I had(after my mom made me give the wind-up rolling lions to my sister because I "have enough robots already"). I had two of the metal lions(yellow and green), and they were awesome. But no complete Voltron.
  22. The one with the clear plastic cockpits for the action figures.
  23. "No details are being revealed about the characters Cabrera and Hurd are playing, but I hear Cabrera will play the pilot of Picard’s ship who also is a skillful thief. Hurd is playing a former intelligence officer who is a brilliant analyst with a terrific memory that has not been affected by her drug and alcohol abuse." STOP SMEARING GRIME ON RODDENBERRY'S NAIVELY IDEALISTIC SHINY UTOPIA. ... Also, how does theft even make sense in a world with friggin' replicators?
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