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Everything posted by JB0

  1. I get why they'd do that. In America, the original controller is sort of iconic and fuels a lot more nostalgia. But uuuuuuugh. Especially with Comix Zone in the game list, as that was one of the games designed for the newer pad.
  2. Wouldn't He-Man with furries just be Thundercats?
  3. I thought part of the point of the original Talosian episode(s) was that they completely gave up on the outside world and basically lived their entire lives in illusory paradises(which destroyed their society). They needed a new population because they were no longer capable of maintaining the physical structures they required to live, but are otherwise completely disinitreseted in the galaxy as a whole. I assumed General Order 7 was meant to avoid people "opting out" of society via psychic illusions as the talosians did, presumably out of a concern that Federation society could suffer a similar collapse. Though the whole nature of the thing is out of step with Star Trek as a whole.
  4. Obviously they mean those two points were based on the actual studio models. All the rest of the model is based on fanart and someone's old Playmates toy(not pictured: The underside of the saucer says "KEVIN" in sharpie).
  5. In the context of Bay's Devastator, I can't NOT read that as a reference to his wrecking balls.
  6. Wait, Spock's gone to Talos AGAIN? ... Is this before or after doing that earned you a death sentence?
  7. I think the SDFN Global was intentionally assigned to a high-risk research fleet in hopes of getting it destroyed so the fleet would be free of the confusion. But oh my god, the fandom freakouts for the week after that episode aired...
  8. The large silver recessed area at his belly area makes him look like a Powermaster. I'm okay with that.
  9. I believe almost all of those companies recombined into Section23 Films, so if the rights survived ADV's dissolution, they almost certainly now rest with Section23. Near the company's end, a bunch of new companies(each owned by a member of ADV's board) were suddenly founded, and ADV sold some portion of their assets to each of them. And then they declared bankruptcy. And then after the bankruptcy sale, all these new anime companies recombined into a single company with the vast majority of ADV's pre-bankruptcy assets. Basically, ADV did an Open Get to dodge most of the consequences of bankruptcy. I'm highly skeptical it was even remotely legal, but no one seems to have noticed or cared. I think the real reason for the new dub is so they can call it "a Netflix Original"(which I simply assume they do).
  10. Ayup. That's definitely a rework of the last Moonracer toy. They sanded off a few of the rougher edges, but it is still pretty dodgy. The smaller backpack is much appreciated, as is the front end of the car coming together in a coherent manner. Hell, they even managed to make the back of the car less blatantly just a robot chest hanging out there(more because it actually lines up with the car parts than because it looks like car parts).
  11. I strongly suspect that, as a major celebrity known among essentially every human alive, Minmay was NOT cloned. Having multiple Minmays would risk creeping people out and lead to an anti-cloning backlash in a way that cloning "normal" people wouldn't. No one would KNOW if they ran into a clone of Vanessa on the street, a clone of a non-celebrity is just another person as far as almost everyone is concerned. But Minmay-2 is instantly recognizable and starts people actually thinking. "Wait, if there's a Minmay clone that looks and sounds and acts like the real one... what if they cloned me? Is there a doppelganger of me running around pretending he IS me? Am I going to be blamed for the things he did? "
  12. I thought that happened because of the thinking caps!
  13. It had two superjets and a rogue AI, it was OBVIOUSLY a ripoff. (All sarcasm aside, I think that was the total extent of conceptual overlap, and it is a pretty tenuous connection.)
  14. It isn't a reboot, it is the start of a new parallel universe. They're OBVIOUSLY setting up for a dimension-hopping adventure where the BB Prime and the Bay Prime tag-team Unicron.
  15. "No money is required." When you say it that many times, I start worrying you are Nigerian royalty.
  16. This is a multi-faceted strike. It gets developers to use DirectRay, or whatever MS calls their raytracing API, because so many more systems can use it. It lets gamers get a taste of the effects, so they know what upgrading to an RTX gains them. RTX isn't much different from a 1080Ti without the raycasting in use, but a 1080Ti won't do raycasting effects near as fast. It ALSO serves to kneecap performance on older cards, because any use of raytracing is taking up hardware that could be used elsewhere. All of which adds up to MOAR SALEZ!
  17. Oooooh. The original translations weren't complete or the best ever, so this is rather welcome news.
  18. Man, I envy you people where stores STOCK the dang things. Mine've had nothing but Micromasters and Targetmasters almost every time I've looked. One has had a single solitary Skytread for a few weeks.
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