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Everything posted by JB0

  1. JB0

    1/1 DYRL Helmet

    Screw the shoulder pads, I want the Valkyrie that goes with it.
  2. To meet the Zanzibarbarians!
  3. And the Metal Siren. I refuse to acknowledge that abomination's existence ! Oh come on now! M2 wasn't that bad. Yeah. Everyone focuses on the negative. No one likes to mention the good points like the... Umm, that... Errr, those... Well, Ishtar was hot!
  4. Nah... just pathetic. You'll be singing a diffrent tune when Kakizaki turns to the dark side, comes at you throwing lightning bolts... and accidentally shorts them to his lightsaber hilt, electrocuting himself.
  5. I would have, but it was over the like com system. Vostok 7 FORCE CHOKE! ... *needs to get this game*
  6. And then you lopped his head off, didn't you?
  7. If I recall, the RPG's quite out there in some places too. And I did have the chance to speak with one of the programmers before. He takes his Macross rather seriously. But in the end, it's a game, not a collector's piece. Accuracy is less important than it being playable. Hence the VF-1 lugs unlimited missiles and bullets, the missiles fired change by configuration, the battroid has a sniper rifle that can be charged up for a super shot, and diffrent VF-1s have diffrent stats. BTW, according to Macross Compendium, the 1S DOES have "enhanced avionics identical to VF-1A's Block 12 design" and " improved FF-2001D engine with greater engine thrust". So officially the VF-1S IS better than the other versions.
  8. JB0

    Up to date...

  9. Yah. Games regularly tweak things into illogic for their own purposes. Battlecry essentially used it as a difficulty setting. If you're taking way too many hits, you can downgrade your jet and trade some upgrades for increased armor. ... Though there is a kind of logic behind tying the manuverability and armor together. More armor means more momentum. More momentum means more energy's required to change course. More energy requird to change course means you change course slower than you would if you had less armor. Hence, more armor = less maneuverability.
  10. And the ritual burning of Tokyo!
  11. As far as personal aesthetics go, I think a white skull and crossbones looks really ugly on a light background. As far as the Max 1S goes, it'd look pretty good on a dark blue, but not the light blue used Max's plane.
  12. I say Roy. He had better hair.
  13. Excuse me sir, but then I must ask...how tall are you, so that we're sure to have the right size stake...
  14. And instead of running around a field throwing a ball and tackling people you'd drive mechs around a city lobbing the ball from a catapult and shooting other mechs!
  15. Both games are MSX2. Fortunately, most emulators will do MSX2. I've played both of them signifigantly using RuMSX, which I have to say isn't the best emu ever.
  16. That bad? I'd heard it was actaully a half-decent film.
  18. I reiterate: Metal Gear on the NES is but a pale shadow of the original MSX version. The diffrence between the 2 games is astonishing. BTW, you actually get to fight the Metal Gear in the MSX version, a feature that was left off the NES adaptation due to technical limitations.
  19. Oh gods... If I was on the Macross, I would've killed for a satellite uplink from Earth, even if Pluto is 4-6 light-hours out(depending on where in the orbit you are). Who cares if your radio is 4 hours behind everyone else's, or that it takes 12 hours for a requested song/show/file(hooray for the internet) to come back to you(6 for the request to reach earth, 6 more to come back to you)? GIVE ME SOME DIVERSITY!!!!
  20. Then I shall revel in unofficial blasphemy! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
  21. And again we confuse fission with fusion. Fusion's output depends on the input, but can be as simple as helium gas. In the real world, Helium3 fusion(yes, the Gundam reaction) is rather promising because it releases a lot of energy and puts off NO neutrons. At all. He3 combines with He3 to generate 2 protons, an He4(which is a more stable helium isotope), a heck of a lot of energy, and if you happen to live in the Gundam universe you get some minovsky particles. On the downside, it's a royal pain to get the reaction started. Not that I think helium gas is a great propellant, but it's there for the usage.
  22. Personally, I think the colored heatshields look very ugly. So given the disturbing lack of continuity present, I choose black heatshields as "correct".
  23. I propse that all the cast be rewritten as female.
  24. The NES version of Metal Gear is a pale shadow of the original MSX version. Snake's Revenge is NOT Metal Gear 2. It was made without Hideo Kojima, and has been disavowed by Konami. The true Metal Gear 2 is Solid Snake on the MSX computer, and was japanese only. Pick an emulator here... http://www.zophar.net/msx.html Metal Gear can be found anywhere. Same for untranslated Solid Snake. Personally, I tend to use http://www.planetemu.net/ just because they have lots of stuff. The translated ROM image for Solid Snake is here... http://www.msxnet.org/gtinter/mgear2us.htm Note that you have to look at the MSX TWO ROM/Disk image sets for both games. the Metal Gear series were MSX2 games.
  25. JB0

    Toy ID

    I HAD THAT ONE AS A KID! ... Gods, but I hated it. That stupid shoulder chain gave me no end of trouble. I could never get it to move during transformation, and somehow managed to get it to pop out of the track several times. And the fact that I really wanted the motorbike instead of the jet(this is how a child thinks of a MOSPEADA and Legioss) certainly didn't help.
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