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Everything posted by JB0

  1. Ah, skip it... Enter the YF-12. All the speed and style of a Blackbird, only with missiles
  2. I don't have it, but I've been talking to someone that does. He had it crash on him twice. Bad sign. But that's been his only technical gripe. Other than that it's been nothing but glowing praise. ... On the other hand, he's never watched the movies(which the game assumes you've done), so he has no idea what's going on most of the time.
  3. Well, yah, but still... A guy can dream. Speaking of which... A destroid team piloted by the Jenius daughters!
  4. How about only if they DON'T bring the variable Monster?
  5. Looks a lot like it's jumping back to me.
  6. By US copyright law, they no longer have any legal recourse to take against Mac2 and Plus, regardless of what their contract with Tatsunoko may or may not say. If you ignore it, you lose it. Simple as that. And Yamato Lover: Why quote me? I wasn't making accusations, just offering a valid use for multiple accounts.
  7. Or is he too straight to be straight?
  8. Idea thief. Space War 1, as seen from the bow of the Daedalus. Now THAT'S excitement!
  9. I'd expect the IO for the BDI/BCS to be computer-filtered anyways. A human brain has spent it's entire life learning to drive a human body. It won't interface directly to a fighter very well, because it doesn't understand the body at all. Even a humanoid mech will have a diffrent performance than a human body, owing to things like diffrent construction and center of gravity. How many humans do you know with rifles in their thighs, jets in their backs, and lasers in their forearms? So the computer's still ACTUALLY in control of the vehicle. As was demonstrated during the battle with the Ghost. Guld had to explicitly order the computer to let him push the plane beyond what a human body can withstand before the final battle. It wouldn't have let him pull those maneuvers otherwise.
  10. Roy and Shin... Now THERE'S a couple no one saw coming.
  11. The Design Works book showed that gun in the sketches for the VF-1 too(as well as the cover). Based on the sketches, it looks like it ALMOST made it to the animation, and was changed right before the design was finalized, as the battroid carrying that rifle is a clean line-art drawing as opposed to a sketch. The battroid was also unchanged between that and the final pics, indicating that the design of the VF-1 was pretty much finalized at that point.
  12. SR-71 or A-12 Blackbird. Hauls ass, and looks good doing it.
  13. If it is him, why should he be banned when you are not? It's not like this guy has done any flaming. As of now anyways. The Yamato Lover account. There's no reason people should have two accounts. Awww.... multiple accounts are FUN. I've got the name God registered on one board for occasional use, mainly for the sake of humor.
  14. Did Macek really told in the interview that Macross was broken and he fixed it? Something to that effect. As many people are actually rather reasonable over there, this started at least one thread about how he was way out of line. ... Which was eventually locked after a few warnings for becoming little more than Macek-bashing, which was against the terms of use(Not Macek specifically, but launching personal attacks against people in general wasn't allowed).
  15. Well, yes. But that has no bearing on legal rights whatsoever. See Sony VS Bleem!, where the larger, more powerful corporation(Sony) forced the smaller one(Bleem!) into bankruptcy by firing off spurious lawsuit after spurious lawsuit. The fact that Bleem! won each and every case was meaningless, since they still had to pay their lawyers, who were suddenly working overtime. Such behavior has become very common place in the US legal system, which is set up in such a way that it's very abuse-prone. Unlke Bleem!, most companies will back down rather than get dragged into a long, messy legal battle against someone with superior assets, which has been the case with most of the HG threats. Bandai was a notable exception, in that they DID have the assets to fight HG, but didn't really care to.
  16. I was there a long time ago. As in, back when the Toynami stuff was only recently announced, and Yamato had just gotten their first prototype pics out. I remained civil, they remained civil, the only person that wasn't civil was a troll. Left shortly after Macek claimed that Macross was broken, he fixed it, and later Macross serieses were more Robotech sequels than Macross sequels. I LOVED that interview. ... Of course, the actual reason I left was the forum was too damn busy. You had to idle there 24/7 to keep track of a conversation. I checked recently, and my account was apparently deleted for inactivity.
  17. Specifically on this point: Also remember that a lawyer was retained when HG went after the retailers and when that Lawyer requested proof from HG to their claims, they refused to provide it. This is another point that leads many of us to think HG is lying. As has been speculated before, many think HG was just attempting to clear the market for the release of the MPC. Apologies. I oversimplified the issue, and in doing so possibly misrepresented the situation.
  18. JB0

    HLJ Crazy Sales

    Damn, but that looks sweet. ... That may just be me, though.
  19. Basically, yes. As I understand it, despite fan sentiment, there is no question whatsoever that HG has the rights to the original Macross TV series. And that's the only part that could be viewed as transference of rights. All that's in question is whether they have the rights to everything else(they claim they do, everyone else says nuh-uh, they sick lawyers on people, people respond with hostility, Big West sues Tatsunoko to start the process of clearing things up before some idiot fanboy starts a nuclear war over it).
  20. That's interesting... I was looking at the Macross Compendium entries, and apparently the VF-19 engines had upgraded cooling so they could get full performance in space, but the VF-22 engines are limited to 40-60% max in space, as are the YF-19 and YF-21. That could have factored into the YF-19's winning of Project Supernova as well. They appraently weren't able to use the same cooling system they implemented in the VF-19 on the VF-22.
  21. A pile of downloadable files. You need a CUE sheet, and depending on the distribution, either the disk image or the rips of the data track and assload of redbook tracks(likely distributed as moderate-to-low-quality MP3s). the cue is absolutely vital due to the non-standard format of PCE CDs. Track 1 is redbook, track TWO is data, and then everything else is redbook. Some burners actually can't burn them. CUE sheet, eh? Any links where I can read up more on this? A CUE sheet is basically a text file that tells the computer what the disk looks like. Track spacing and so on. I have the Mac2036 CUE sheet, but it's burned off onto a CD somewhere(along with the rest of the game). I'd have to figure out where I stuck it.
  22. JB0

    Macross Arcade Game

    Errr, no. RAINE is NOT a frontend. RAINE is an emulator with a GUI. A rather good one. http://www.rainemu.com/ And what's this nonsense about dragging games onto executables? People DO that? Gods, the insanity.
  23. Sentinels made it into production. Barely. They animated something like 4 episodes before the deal crashed.
  24. I've had people look at me like I've grown a 3rd eye when I mention the price on a Yamato valkyrie. "A hundred dollars? For a toy? Riiiight..." The whole point of these things is that they AREN'T targetting people in their right mind. You just happen to let judgement kick in sooner on Toynami bookends than Yamato toys.
  25. Not only did they not have a hand in it, there's also a page devoted to explaining the diffrences betweeen Macross/DYRL, Macross 2, and Robotech. they make it very clear that the product's unrelated to Robotech in any way.
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